Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Zwt-328 Walkie Talkie Est

Ali Hatar: tedeschi, non siate stupidi; verificate se l'Olocausto è avvenuto davvero!

Pubblico quest’intervista ad un revisionista giordano, nonostante talune evidenti imprecisioni in cui costui incorre – ad esempio, il libro di Jean-Claude Pressac Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers non è certo un testo “stupido”, nonostante le (serie) contraddizioni che lo contraddistinguono perché, rather than merely the appearance of historiography, the 'interview is interesting from a social point of view: for freedom in Iran which deals with matters which here we are absolutely taboo in the West.


The following excerpts come from a television debate on Holocaust denial, broadcast by Al-Alam TV (Iran) 5 May 2010.

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/2474.htm .

The representative of the Jordanian ASSOCIATION AND AGAINST Zionism Racism [2] "I am not able to find a shred of evidence THAT HAS BEEN THE HOLOCAUST"

Interviewer: "It's a myth that has become almost a conviction. If it happened, because it was limited to one group only? The questions are: the Holocaust really happen? Really the gas chambers destroyed the Jews and no one else? The gas chambers really existed? Especially because some people doubt this? Historians have no right to reconsider the so-called taboo? "[...]

Ali Hatar (Jordanian Association Against Zionism and Racism): " did or did not happen? That is the question. Until now, those who argue that [the Holocaust] took place have failed to provide any evidence whatsoever in this regard. "

Intervistatore: “Neanche una?”.

Ali Hatar: “Assolutamente nessuna prova. Naturalmente, qualche analisi politica e qualche…”.

Intervistatore : “Questa è un’altra questione”.

Ali Hatar : “Dicono spesso: ‘È accaduto – che prova volete? Questa è un’altra questione. Ma portare una sola prova…”.

Intervistatore : “Non l’hanno fatto”.

Hatar Ali: "We're not saying it did not happen. We are saying give us some proof. They could not make a shred of evidence. I challenged them to do so. Therefore, for the failure to revisionist historians to investigate this. Their first opponents were the Americans. They were dismissed from their jobs and have them thrown out of work. Then we will say their names. Prevented them from investigating. " [...]

ACTIVIST OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Holocaust denial does not help Arabs and Muslims

Mahdi Al-Afifi (Activist of the Democratic Party, New York) : "I am sure that my colleague has access to the Internet. Should monitor thousands of pamphlets written about the Holocaust. " [...]

Hatar Ali: "This is a Red Cross report of 1949. the Red Cross is an international institution ... It is 1949, and is on five years of war. The committees were active throughout Europe. This report refutes the argument that anyone was killed in these camps during the so-called Holocaust. It also mentions the self-administration [fields] from the Jews. These are not my words. I did not write the report. It is a report of the ICRC - the Red Cross . [...]

Mahdi Al-Afifi : "All this means to mock the intelligence of people. The Holocaust happened, and our attempts to use information that is not .... "

Interviewer: "Okay, dr. Mahdi Al-Afifi .... "

Mahdi Al-Afifi : "... does not help the Arabs or Muslims. [...]

"All this only causes hatred without end. "


Hatar Ali: "We seek the truth, and only then we will consider our position. We seek the truth because this hatred you speak of is one that has produced Gaza. It affects us. Each year, the U.S. give Israel $ 11 billion, and Germany 3 billion. Here's how the Holocaust affects us. Israel planted in our midst. Here is the result of the Holocaust. Of I hate what you are talking about? [...]

"He speaks to thousands of books. It's the same kind of exaggeration of the figure of 'six million'. There are 'thousands' of books written about the Holocaust. There is only one book that says that [the Holocaust] occurred - Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers [3] . This book is extremely stupid, scientifically speaking. There are also a few articles that I read for the most part, but the high quality of research by skeptics is obvious. "

Interviewer: "Because she defines as 'stupid' this book?".

Hatar Ali: "Why are technical issues. When we were kids, we ponevamo with each other a riddle: 'How can you put an elephant into a refrigerator in three moves?' The answer was: 'Open the door, put in the elephant, then close the door'. The book uses the same logic - you bring 2,000 [Jews], open the door, put them in, shut the door and burn them. As they put them there? How did you transported? ".

Interviewer: "There is only one book, not thousands as claimed by the dr. Mahdi Al-Afifi? ".

Hatar Ali: "A single book. Let me mention it again, so I can try - The Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers [sic]. How you arrived at the figure of thousands, when there is only one book? ".

Mahdi Al-Afifi : "Brother, this is just for show, you can read ... [ take a copy of 'Night', Elie Wiesel's book ] Hundreds of books are taught in schools and American universities. I brought a little book, just as an example. With all due respect, brother, I do not know where you got your information. I'm sure you have the Internet. Go to Google and enter the word 'Holocaust' and see how many books are there. Only this author has written 40 books on the Holocaust. " [...]

The representative of the Jordanian ASSOCIATION AND AGAINST Zionism Racism: "Am I morally obligated to tell them: 'GERMAN DO NOT BE STUPID, MAKE SURE IF YOU REALLY HAPPENED'"

Ali Hatar: "The aim of '[he invented] the Holocaust was to create a guilt complex at the Germans and the peoples of Europe, so that this guilt complex motivate Germans and their leaders to be ... A report by the United States Congress, I have here with me, is the impact of this guilt complex on the German rulers, who have continued aid to Israel. Today, we are the victims of this ongoing support, which continue because of the guilt complex ... I'm morally obligated to tell them: 'Germans, do not be stupid. Check that it is really happened '. [...]

Interviewer: "Doctor, there are the gas chambers? After all, She is an experienced air conditioning. "

Ali Hatar: "There were rooms that were used as prisons. Other rooms may have been used towards the end of the war, to burn the corpses of some people who had died of typhus. But according to reports - in particular the Red Cross report, and according to the book Did Six Million Die ? [4] , which is an American book - there were no gas chambers, in the sense assigned to the issue of the Holocaust. "

"What say those who support the existence of gas chambers? They say that these rooms were the size of 500 cubic meters , and which were used to put in 2,000 to 4,000 people. 500 cubic meters - if you were 5 feet tall , their extension should have been 100 square meters. How do you put 2,000 people in 100 meters paintings? Imagine only, they say that [the Nazis] put 2,000 to 4,000 people in each 'kitchen'. There are rooms in the United States ... If you go and visit the rooms of execution by gas - they use the same gas - you will see how these rooms must be carefully controlled. [...]

"I work the air conditioning of pharmaceutical plants, and, from time to time, neuter establishment, and we turned the air conditioning for 24 hours after sterilization to disperse the deadly gas. Here they say that within 20 minutes to evacuate the chamber, and remained clean. How do you remove 2000 corpses, and vacate the room in 20 minutes?! None of this can be. " [...]

The representative of the Jordanian ASSOCIATION AND AGAINST Zionism Racism: "THERE WAS AN UNDERTAKING Total between the Hitler regime and the Zionist movement "

" This book, Hitler, Founder of the Israel [5] , and many other books and also reports from the West, says that Eichmann and the head of the Haganah coordinate the deportation of Jews. Hitler said, my lawyer is jew, jew is my doctor, all those around me are Jews. I used to tell them: 'When we get into power, we must establish a Jewish state. The solution to the Jewish problem is to find a state for them '. "
"This is one of the important points that should not be forgotten. Hitler in Germany banned all Jewish parties, except the Zionist party. Banned all other parties, Jewish - religious and others. He allowed only the party associated with the Zionist movement. Eichmann went to the camps for the Jews to self-administration. Menachem Begin was the leader of 40,000 people in a detention camp in Poland. Eichmann allowed them to form the Jewish youth to agriculture to prepare for when they would go to Palestine. He arranged for their courses in Hebrew, to unite and prepare them to Palestine. There was a total coordination between the Hitler regime and the Zionist movement, and this coordination has been verified in all the books. "

Thanks to Michael Hoffman for the tip.

[1] Translated by Andrea Carancini. The original text is available at: http://www.rense.com/general92/hlo.htm
[2] Associazione giordana contro il sionismo e il razzismo
[4] Il titolo esatto è: Did Six Million Really Die? , libro del 1974 la cui traduzione italiana è disponibile al seguente link: http://www.vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres5/harwoodit.pdf
[5] Il titolo esatto è: Adolf Hitler – Founder of Israel: Israel in War with Jews [Adolf Hitler – fondatore di Israele: Israele in guerra con gli ebrei], la cui edizione in rete è disponibile qui: http://holywar.org/txt/founder_of_Israel.pdf  


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