Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ttrans Camilla Rodrigues


After my outburst on Friday that my stomach and my mind yearn for spring I needed confirmation.
So armed with camera bag and I went looking for some tangible sign of the arrival of the new season, aware that live in the extended, flat Po Valley would not have found anything that would make me hope, I moved only 90 km to be confronted with another scenario.
A beautiful sun, sea and beautiful flowers .... the last paradise?!.
The first thing that I did was wear a pair of comfortable shoes, a shoulder bag containing a pair of scissors and a bag that would gather the fruits of my walk.
can not imagine my joy to see a riot of colors, to collect the plates of flowers and above what nature gave me, a truly precious gift: the nettles.
You should know that when I was little I had an aunt that we prepared with love and meticulous (because he never missed a beat) the bunet (typical dessert from Piedmont) once a week during the season and was accompanied by sliced \u200b\u200b nettles.
Those green noodles taste unique and special I can assure you that I still dream of them now, so seeing the nettles on the sides of a ditch, I could not pick them up and enjoy these signs of spring.
taglioni Given the flavor of these is unique and slightly pungent I advise you not combine it with heavy sauces that cover all of their taste for me as I opted for a simple vegetable ragout and mozzarella ham decorated with cherries.
For those who had never picked nettles Board to hold a pair of gloves and pull out only the higher peaks that are more tender.

X 100 GR 200 GR NETTLES Blanch
semolina flour 2 eggs
salt, oil

the sauce 1 onion 1 carrot
1 stalk celery
4 fillets of dried tomatoes 1 tablespoon

Allow to soak for a few minutes nettles you have collected so as to rid it of any dust. Put
then boiled for a few minutes in salted water; simply have become softer so it takes very little time.
Drain and squeeze and let cool.
Once they are cool chop finely with a blender and then put them together the flour, eggs, adding a pinch of salt and a dash of oil.
Knead vigorously so as to create a nice smooth, elastic ball.
Wrap the ball in a towel and let stand in refrigerator at least half an hour.
Meanwhile, prepare the sauce by cutting our chopped finely chop all the vegetables and ham.
In an aluminum pan pour a little oil and then our vegetables.
Continue to cook covered for 10 minutes then add the tomato juice concentrate and ham. Adjust
of salt.
Turn to amalgamate and continue cooking for another 10-15 minutes on medium heat.
The vegetables should soften slightly and season with each other.
take the dough and roll into rectangles with a rolling pin.
pass many times in the machine to get the right consistency and then turn them into noodles.
Put on a pot while boiling salted water and a tablespoon of oil.
When the water boils pour our noodles we put about 5 minutes to cook.
Take them up with a slotted spoon and mix with the sauce, if necessary adding a spoonful of the cooking water.
Serve on plates e predisporre sopra le nostre ciliegine di mozzarella!

Comunicazione di servizio:avrei dovuto essere in viaggio per un tour gastronomico con scelti food blogger invece per motivi famigliari e di salute (aveva ragione mi sa quel medico quando diceva ...”non sei più tanto giovane”) sarò leggermente assente anche dai vostri blog per tutto il resto della settimana, anche se la mia programmazione rimane invariata.


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