Monday, February 28, 2011

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And I knew it! It could not be otherwise.

Colin Firth won the Oscar for Best Actor for the film "The speech of the King."
He also won the Golden Globe, Screen Actors, the Guild Award and BAFTA, and then could not end like this!
The film did very well and he was exceptional in this difficult part, that: BRAVISSSSSIMO! Now

step serie.Ieri things did not go to Pitch! I preferred non rischiare. La pioggia deve avermi preso di mira! Cascasse il mondo l'ultima domenica del mese.....deve piovere: Grrr! che rabbia!
Ma non mi sono persa d'animo e ho fatto il mercato di Cerea.

Adoro questo piatto! Queste due damine sono deliziose.
L'angolo delle violette....... I feel like spring!
My friend and "rival" (joke eh eh!) Anselmo and sister, from the heart of Ferrara Danish, heated discussions: it is better
England or Denmark? I opt for the first!
you who passed through here a good week
To you who passed through here a good wee

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Silvio regime (interceptions) deprives him of the phone

'... may be surprised to learn that, in this country, the prime minister does not have a phone, not because if you can help, but because it is exposed to any type of interception, and then decided some time ago, to give up the phone ... " has publicly denounced Silvio today.

He, too, a victim of the regime! And that victim certainly the most famous and important!

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Recep Tayyp Erdogan, pietra d'inciampo dei nazisionisti

Cosa pensare degli attuali rivolgimenti in Africa e in Medio Oriente? Difficile speak with knowledge of the facts, so much so that two American journalists dear to me, Webster Tarpley and Michael Hoffman, on this issue are exactly the opposite. Tarpley has indeed embraced the position of conspiracy (the revolutions in the course are "colored" by Obama and hetero) [1] while Michael says it is facing real, not rigged [2] . The situation is really not easy to decipher but, in my opinion, a point still there and is called Erdogan. In these turbulent days, when the vultures of the 'West "are preparing to throw himself on Libya unguarded by civil war, the turkish leader was one of the few, along with Putin [3] to express concerns about common sense and humanity, and not by greed power

"People are already struggling to find food, how to feed the people of Libya? The sanctions, intervention would precipitate the Libyan people, who must already facing starvation and violence, in a situation even more desperate. We appeal to the international community to act with conscience, justice, law and universal human values, and not dictated by concern for oil, "said [4] .

Yes, Erdogan's Turkey is a fixed point in the midst of changes underway, and not only because the axis with Tehran is increasingly reinforcing [5] : if, as we continue a dire, le attuali rivolte nel mondo islamico nascono da bisogni “laici”, e non dal fondamentalismo religioso, allora i popoli dell’area non potranno non guardare con interesse a un leader come Erdogan, vero musulmano moderato , a differenza di quelli che in Occidente la Israel lobby vorrebbe spacciarci come tali:

Permettete alle persone di vestirsi come vogliono, rispettatele tutte e preservate la loro libertà perché spezzare i cuori è qualcosa di peggio che demolire la Kaaba [6] ”, dichiarava un anno fa il leader AK Party, stressing his opposition to all forms of discrimination based on dress code [7] .

And again: "The AK Party has fought against all forms of discrimination and encouraged the participation of women in politics. 'At women seeking of their rights we leave the doors open' . "They were financed studies to about 350,000 girls and women investors were encouraged by special bank loans." "Women produce taking more active roles in every field , "said Erdogan [8] .

There's enough to alarm the latitude of each nazisionisti ... May God protect him!

[3] "The Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warned against Western attempts to meddle in the Arab world to try to impose democracy" http:/ / / news / ten-day-protest-Libya /

[5] "In Tehran, Ahmadinejad and Gul reiterated that the two countries intend to increase the volume of bilateral trade, which now totals 10 billion dollars, up to 30 billion "
[8] Ibid

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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You know sometimes you go from a blog, take note of a new contest and then continue moving in a corner of the navigation THAT 'Information taken soon. Then suddenly you find yourself at dinner with your friends that you do not see a bit 'and talking about this and that end up in the topic ... endometriosis!
Then, you turn on the light bulb, go back on that blog and read all in one breath to try and assimilate information as possible and then you decide you need to not only participate but now you have to pass the word, not only those who have a blog but also to your friend!
Then that call made by Sonia becomes an echo that slowly spreads because ultimately it is not just a simple contest but the knowledge of something that is part of our daily and our health.
so we are pleased to invite you to participate and above also support you with a recipe APE Onlus, which takes care of this female disorder.
In support, once again, that our health depends on the food we consume also find out which foods can help you.
Here's my recipe for lemon risotto with artichokes and quail eggs .

1 lemon
1 onion
vegetable broth

Clean the artichokes by removing the hard outer slices and then cut them in half so as to also remove the internal beard.
then thinly slice them and toss immediately with a few drops of lemon juice so they do not blacken.
Place in warm water to thicken the quail eggs and when they are ready and cooled split the reds from whites.
Meanwhile, cut onion and pour into a pan with a little oil.
When golden, pour the rice and salt and allow to toast a few seconds.
At this point add the vegetable stock and start cooking stirring occasionally.
At about half cooked, add the lemon juice and then any other stock.
When we see that our grain of rice seems prepared artichokes and pour some 'olive oil.
Whisk in this way, continuing to spin.
Crumble over each egg and serve immediately.

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Mercenary is a military that purposes only lucro personale, compie azioni militari per conto di un privato, una società o di uno stato, secondo un contratto prestabilito.

Ma mercenario in senso lato può essere colui che offre le sue prestazioni, le più disparate, a fronte di un corrispettivo in denaro o altro genere di compenso.

Quelli al soldo di Gheddafi non sono più mercenari nel senso strettamente militare del termine, perché la loro azione è stata indirizzata al massacro dei civili. Sono da considerarsi piuttosto formazioni del genere ‘squadroni della morte’ (ben definiti in Wikipedia), quando non sono dei morti di fame reclutati in tutta fretta negli stati confinanti e dotati di un kalashnikov . Sono comunque dei mercenari a tutti gli effetti.

Mercenari in senso lato ce ne sono ovunque, anche fuori dagli scenari di guerra, come ad esempio in ambito politico e non solo…

La storia, passata e contemporanea, ne è piena...

All mercenaries, without exception, are united by certain characteristics:

> working for money or other consideration;

> when they have the perception that bad for them or for us Who pays for them, do not hesitate to disappear and, where possible and convenient, go to the opponent, because their is imperative, so take advantage and benefit from their actions, but always and above all to save his skin, possibly with the loot ...

who hires mercenaries For these reasons it can not be trusted at all: the only instrument in his hands able to control them is the reward, certainly not their blind loyalty or some ideology.

The SS, which were not mercenary formations but fanatical slaves of Hitler and his doctrine, they made an oath of allegiance to the Fuhrer and, in accordance with that oath, retains traces of the extermination of millions of innocent civilians.

Gaddafi, having spotted the first person in the crimes committed by the squadrons which he commanded the massacre, will have hard life. Its people seeking revenge. His mercenaries are on the alert. And his 'loyalists' who surround him and not give up, they behave like this because most likely related to him by the same crimes and accountability.

hard part for rais although, as we read, who aspired to live a hundred years after his father's death and dying 'female', a death 'benign from which we can get without resistance' . Perhaps it should prepare to die the death 'male', a 'death that challenge and fight', not a hero but insane criminal, ultimately perhaps a coward, as his last delirious speech and behavior would seem to bode ...

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Adolf Hitler: il Perdente del XX secolo


Di Samuel Ashwood, 22 ottobre 2005

Riguardo alla situazione strategica di Dunkirk, vengono date poche altre spiegazioni, ma in questo articolo, propongo di presentarne una molto trascurata, ma di cui vi sono solide prove.

Dopo la guerra, B. H. Liddell Hart, uno dei più importanti storici militari del 20° secolo, autore di opere, tra le altre, di strategia militare e sulle due guerre mondiali, colse l’opportunità di incontrare, and to question, many key figures of the German war effort. In 1948, he came up with a book based on these conversations, entitled The Other Side of the Hill [The other side of the hill], also published in some places under the title The German Generals Talk [The German generals speak]. I highly recommend this book to all students of military history. There are many topics covered, from the campaigns [military], the plot against Hitler, which culminated in the assassination attempt of July 20, 1944, conflicts between Hitler and the staff, the official views of idolization as Erwin Rommel, the opinions of the chief enemies Germany during the war.

In this basic historical work is being examined Dunkirk. To outline the context: after the victory over Poland in 1939, Hitler advocated an immediate attack against France on the Western Front, not knowing what France, which first was reluctant to go to war, he had no intention to conduct an offensive against Germany , but had designed a defensive campaign, probably with the ultimate goal of winning another war of attrition. Close-ups of Hitler's war and of the General Staff were classified in this strategy, and in fact did not include any goal beyond that of the conquest of certain points strategic value, which would allow them to continue the naval and air war against England. At first, Hitler had planned no total victory, as that obtained in Poland. But the offensive after several postponements due to a combination of circumstances, Hitler eventually adopted the ambitious plan of the brilliant officer Erich von Manstein. L 'Operation Sickle Strike "was the masterpiece that began France in a few weeks out of action. Powerful German armored forces cut in two the supposedly impenetrable Ardennes Forest, Belgian and French, and they arrived on the coast at full speed, cutting off much of the French army, e l’intero BEF [2] . Il successo di questo piano è ben conosciuto. Capeggiati da uno dei più grandi geni della guerra corazzata, Heinz Guderian, i tedeschi tagliarono in due le difese francesi, respinsero pochi contrattacchi, e raggiunsero il mare, tagliando fuori migliaia di militari francesi inviati in Belgio, insieme all’intero contingente inglese. Gli alleati sconfitti e demoralizzati si ritirarono lungo la costa, e presto l’unico porto a offrire una via di fuga fu Dunkirk. Gli inglesi e i francesi distrutti si ritirarono verso questo punto.

Gli aggressivi generali tedeschi volevano inseguire il loro nemico defeated its up to Dunkirk, and capture all the cabbages. But, to their great frustration, Hitler gave the order to stop. At first, some German commander tried to ignore him, but Hitler reiterated the order, and the victorious armored forces were detained for three days, allowing the British and the French to flee by sea, despite being targeted by the Luftwaffe.

Because the order to stop senseless, when the enemy was defeated, and without any ability to stop the powerful German army? Later, Hitler gave different excuses for his mistake. To Field Marshal von Kleist, said: "I did not want to send tanks in the swamps of Flanders, and the British did not come home in this war. " To others, he explained that he was concerned about the mechanical failure of many tanks, and armored forces would have enough to finish to isolate the French.

But May 24, 1940, the campaign was still going on, Hitler expressed a deeper reason, more political, staff members of Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt. All this was reported by General Blumentritt to Liddell Hart, and I need to quote extensively the story of Blumentritt:

"Hitler was in high spirits, and he admitted that the course of the campaign was an 'undoubted miracle', and we expressed the opinion that the war would end in six weeks. After that he would like to conclude with France a reasonable peace, and the road would then be free for an agreement with England.

"He then astonished us speaking with admiration of the British Empire, of the necessity of its existence, and of the civilization that Britain had brought into the world. He said with a shrug, that the creation of its Empire had been obtained by means that were often harsh, but 'where are you planing shavings flying'. He compared the British Empire the Catholic Church, saying that both were essential for global stability. He said all he wanted was that England would recognize Germany's position on the continent. The return of the lost colony of Germany was desirable but not essential, and would even offer to support Britain with troops if it had been involved in some trouble somewhere. He observed that the colonies were primarily a question of prestige, since they could not be taken in time of war, and few Germans could settle in the tropics.

"He concluded by saying that his aim was to make peace with England on a basis that it considered incompatible with its honor. "

An incredible story, however, square with the expressed admiration for Hitler's Mein Kampf in Britain. Hitler offered peace to England twice during the Second World War, and, according to Liddell Hart, also showed an atypical shyness in planning an invasion of England, once Churchill had made it clear that his country would not accepted the peace. A strange attitude to be taken in war, a leader, of course, but then, Hitler was a strange man with strange ideas, and a very complex person.

The story is confirmed in Blumentritt General Leon Degrelle, the Belgian Waffen SS, Hitler greatly admired and with whom he occasionally confided. During a discussion with his Fuhrer, Degrelle said: "We talked about England. I asked him bluntly: "Why has not finished the British in Dunkirk? Everyone knew that he could destroy them. " He replied: "Yes, I hold my troops and allowed the British to return to England. The humiliation of a defeat that would have made it difficult to deal with them after the peace. "

Some might challenge the testimony of Degrelle, because it was one of the few ever that Hitler tried to defend after the war. But Liddell Hart argues that men like Blumentritt had no plausible reason to invent such a story, and would actually more favorably impressed with his winning painting themselves as those who had tried to defend safety and survival of the British . Instead, the generals told the story that the British wanted to crush forever, and end the war, while Hitler's hesitation cost them a great, perhaps decisive, victory. If this is true, calls into question the idea that Hitler wanted to conquer the world. I have argued, and evidence, through the mouth of Hitler himself, seem to confirm that his goal was to establish German hegemony on the European continent, and free from foreign interference (especially English ones). But each has his own ideas on this topic. The story of Dunkirk provides important new evidence to the debate.

course, it is hard to find a definitive answer, because of the diversity of opinions. So instead of leaving the reader with my personal impressions, I will conclude with the words of BH Liddell Hart, who ended his discussion of Dunkirk with these charming phrases: "This attitude towards England was determined only policy idea, he had long-cherished, to secure his alliance? Or was it inspired by a deep feeling that prevailed at this critical moment? There were complicating factors in its formation to suggest that he had a mixed feeling of love and hatred towards England similar to the Kaiser? Whatever the true explanation, we can at least be happy with the result. Because his hesitation came to the rescue of England in the most critical moment in its history. "

[1] Translated by Andrea Carancini. The original text is available at:
[2 ] British Expeditionary Force, British Expeditionary Force.

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Luglio 1935: quando la British Legion si incontrò con Hitler


A delegation from the British Legion met with Adolf Hitler in 1935, show the photos newly discovered.

The 148 images were in an album embossed with a swastika discovered by an employee.

They show British veterans of World War I celebrated by the Germans, and the leader of the delegation - Major Francis Fetherston-Godley - who holds the hand of Hitler's deputy, Rudolf Hess.

A visit to a concentration camp was not photographed, but the guide was included in the archive the Legion.

The press officer of the Legion, Liam Maguire, writing in the Daily Mail [2] , said he could hardly believe his eyes when he examined the 'enormous , spine reinforced with thick red book - with a swastika on the metal cover. "

He found the album in the Legion's headquarters in London while he was looking for a documentary.

The album, with images that he described as probably intended to "shock many," was donated by the Third Reich as a reminder of travel.

The five members of the Legion (now known as the Royal British Legion) met with Hermann Goering, head of the Luftwaffe.

photos were taken by former soldiers in a wheelchair who gave the Nazi salute as the procession marched with a delegation with the British flag, and pictures of the delegation at the Commonwealth War Graves in Germany.

Maguire wrote: "However, there is a part of the journey that was not recorded in the album, but that has been documented in the archives of the Legion - the delegation's visit to Dachau, the first concentration camp Nazi. "

"The archives show that saw the isolation cells. At that time, Jews were already imprisoned there - 'Jews returning emigrants, under observation', read the documents of the Legion, along with 'lazy', 'professional criminals' and 'morally perverted'.

Some members of the delegation also dined with Heinrich Himmler, who established the camp and who was head of the SS.

Peace Mission

Back in England, there were also concerns that the visit would be used as propaganda from Germany.

were also discovered pieces of the journey, from researchers who were working on a documentary for the Discovery History.

According the Legion, the trip was done "to promote close links with the German veterans' organizations and to promote peace. With the peoples of Europe there was a desperate desire the Great War would never be repeated, and veterans in particular believed they had a role to engage in the preservation of peace. "

A visit to reciprocate was made in England in September 1938 by 800 former German soldiers - the day when the then Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain flew to meet Hitler in his abortive attempt to negotiate peace.

The footage of the visit to London include a rare German movie archive, where guests make the Nazi salute during a trip to the pleasure boat on the Thames.

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A Silvio disarming ...

... in his utterances on February 26

"Only the traditional family is a legitimate 'means a joke, that he who does anything in his private life, it sounds hypocritical and fatal, aggravated by the frown and the tone of voice, harsh and uncompromising ... The same intolerance shown towards prostitution, when there is a half he and his friends ( / the-logic-of-evil-silvio-co.html ).

Un duro attacco a quel che resta della scuola pubblica «che inculca valori diversi da quelli della famiglia»: la famiglia, un tema a lui molto caro…

«Nessuno ha idea di quello che accadrà sulla sponda africana del Mediterraneo», dice. Forse non ce l’ha lui (e quelli come lui) un’idea di quello che accadrà, né di quelle che potrebbero essere le sorti sue e del Paese che crede di governare…

Tant’è che, sul finale, esclama, deciso e raggiante: “Invito tutti al Bunga Bunga!!!”

Se non sono farneticazioni, le sue, ben poco ci manca… E’ una questione di tempo… It always does everything with his hands!

In the picture: the twenty thousand desperate ship Vlora - Port of Bari, August 1991

... The attempt to dismiss the ship crammed with refugees was immediately vain: "I am not able to take decisions" - the dramatic response of the master, Milaca Alim - "Do not control anyone. The ship is ungovernable, on board there are children and the sick" . The images of the ship berthed at the port of Bari 30 fragments of history are indelible: an exhausted crowd who jumps into the sea while you can leave this hell float. Waiting for the Albanian refugees there would be, however, by Shortly thereafter, another hell ... # 5846439199857610630 = 8bmqqbKBxb8 & feature = related

characters that covered the main institutional offices at the time of the tragic event, were: Cossiga, President of the Republic Andreotti, Prime Minister, Interior Minister Scott, Minister of Justice Hammer (and the author of the homonymous immigration law) ... always our politicians stand for lightness , superficiality, irresponsibility , unpreparedness, inability , dishonesty, corruption and bad faith . And I'm always unlucky and citizens in general to pay the consequences, never them. And also have the gall to complain that they are heard and considered in supranational contexts: in reality he is given the weight they deserve ... The trouble is that, to pay the consequences, even in this aspect, are only ever ordinary citizens (today for example, primarily, those of Lampedusa, but not only) ...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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L'antisemitismo di Hitler: il libro di Ralf Georg Reuth conferma la tesi di Nolte

publish the translation of this article because the thesis of the historian Ralf Reuth on the genesis of anti-George Hitler confirms what he wrote at the time Ernst Nolte - in Nationalism and Bolshevism - The European Civil War 1917-1945 [1] , and, more recently, Michael Kellogg with his The Russian Roots of Nazism - White émigrés and the making of National Socialism, 1917-1945 [2] .

one historian has discovered at the end THE REAL REASON Obsessive HATRED OF JEWS FOR HITLER? [3]

By ALAN HALL, June 19, 2009

L’odio ossessivo di Adolf Hitler per gli ebrei venne scatenato dalle sue esperienze successive alla prima guerra mondiale, secondo un nuovo libro.

Il rinomato storico Ralf Georg Reuth sostiene che il dittatore li incolpò sia della rivoluzione russa che del crollo dell’economia tedesca.

La tesi è in totale contrasto con le precedenti teorie che l’antisemitismo di Hitler nacque nelle stradine di Vienna quando fu uno spiantato all’avanguardia fino al 1914.

Certi storici hanno persino congetturato che lui stesso fosse in parte ebreo – o anche che sua madre morì a due to a doctor jew incapable.

'Hitler's Jewish Hatred; Cliché and Reality' [The hatred for the Jews to Hitler; cliché and reality] uses a number of archives to identify the reasons behind the Holocaust, which claimed six million lives.

Reuth argues that what was probably the fanaticism shared by many at the time, the petty bourgeoisie, after 1919 turned murderous hatred of Hitler.

At the time, almost the half of all the German private banks were owned by Jews, the Stock Exchange was dominated by agents of change Jews, almost half of the nation's newspapers were headed by Jews as well as 80% chain stores.

became fashionable to attribute the defeat of the war on the Jewish financiers.

But Hitler, according Reuth, also blamed the Jews of the Russian Revolution, citing the faith of Leon Trotsky, as well as that of Marx, whose theories he [Trotsky] and followed by Lenin, who was fourth for jew .

Quando quell’anno venne proclamata per breve tempo a Monaco una repubblica sovietica, sostiene Reuth, il dado venne tratto da parte di Hitler per demonizzare gli ebrei quali responsabili dei mali del mondo intero.

“Con la prima guerra mondiale persa e la Germania nella rovina economica, con la minaccia della rivoluzione, lui giunse a considerare gli ebrei come i soli responsabili del capitalismo speculativo, che provocò acute miserie e sofferenze quando vacillò, e del bolscevismo”, ha detto Reuth.

“Questi due eventi furono fondamentali nel formare le sue idee sugli ebrei e il suo successivo piano di ucciderli tutti”.

“Egli accettò le dicerie e i mormorii che incolpavano i capitalisti ebrei di aver pugnalato la Germania alle spalle”.

“Poi vide che molti ebrei ebbero un ruolo preminente nella breve repubblica sovietica costituita a Monaco nel 1919, per combattere contro tutto ciò per cui il nazionalista Hitler militava”.

“I due eventi, insieme alla rivoluzione russa, si fusero per trasformarli, nella sua mente, in capri espiatori di qualunque cosa”.

“Ma tutto ciò fu solo dopo la prima guerra mondiale, non prima. Io mostro che lui a Vienna aveva many Jewish acquaintances, although he wrote in Mein Kampf who had been disgusted by the spectacle of Jews who had seen there. "

Reuth uses a wealth of archival material to show how Hitler nurtured the intellectuals of the time to form their own beliefs.

He cites the Nobel Prize novelist Thomas Mann, who in 1919 wrote that he identified the Bolshevik revolution in Russia with the Jews.

Ernst Nolte, historic Berlin, expounded this theory over 20 years ago in an essay which at the time was not given much credit.

Reuth è un rinomato biografo dell’era nazista che ha scritto un libro acclamato sul capo della propaganda del Terzo Reich Josef Goebbels.       

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A Gaza il nome di Mubarak easier to uproot his legacy of


By Mohammed Omer, The Electronic Intifada, 21 February 2011

Rafah, Occupied Gaza Strip (IPS) - It was easy enough to rename Children's Hospital of Mubarak al-Tahrir Hospital in Gaza. Not so easy is the task of managing their care for patients who need to cross the Egyptian border.

Cross the border for medical treatment, has always been a difficult task. During the riots it was practically impossible, although the new government of Egypt is showing signs of indulgence.

There have been some relaxations in the restrictions of movement, and some signs that the border will be open Tuesday to allow the crossing to 300 people. Priority will be given to urgent clinical cases, told IPS officers security forces in Gaza.

Friday, the Egyptian army has reopened its passage of the Rafah crossing to allow some Palestinians to enter the Gaza Strip.

Changing the name of the hospital in Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip is symbolic, but it shows the new hope that the Hamas government in Gaza feeds on better relations with the new Egyptian government. Many in Gaza consider that under former President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt has long supported the Israeli blockade of Gaza.

The change of regime in Egypt could mean hope for hundreds of patients from Gaza who have need to leave the Strip for treatment.

The new wording of the hospital is "in honor of Tahrir Square in Cairo and the Egyptian Revolution that took place there recently," said dr. Yousef al-Mudallal, director of personnel of the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

Former Palestinian President Yasser Arafat had given the name of the hospital when Mubarak was established in 1999. This is the first government institution in Gaza that change in name.

Near this hospital is the Nasser hospital, named after former President Gamal Abdel Nasser. The hospital al-Tahrir is now considered part of Nasser hospital specializing in pediatric care, neonatal and maternity, as well as a physical therapist.

Most of the Palestinians in Gaza celebrated the removal of Mubarak. But the total closure of the border has been disastrous for patients with these and other hospitals.

Among the patients who so badly expenditure is Mona Yassin, 43, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She went to a hospital in Cairo shortly before the revolution began. "I spent the 8000 Egyptian pounds [U.S. $ 1,260] I had put aside for treatment," he said. He no longer money or to return or to stay. She and some family members had rented an apartment in Cairo.

"Now, I can neither return home nor to continue treatment," he told IPS. Her husband has since received the news that if he can not come back, passing through Rafah, will lose their jobs, which supports the family, which includes seven children.

Afan Hamed, 42, died in Egypt while he was waiting for treatment. Afan's body was brought back to be buried in Gaza through tunnels dug under the Gaza-Egypt border.

When IPS called to verify the situation of this case, a border guard said that according to the documents in its possession of the body now buried Afan is still abroad.

Since the time of the attack on the flotilla of humanitarian aid in Gaza on May 31 last year, the Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt was only partially open for six categories of persons, including those in need of medical treatment, and the few students enrolled abroad with residence permits abroad.

During the closure of the crossing, the Hamas de facto government has strictly controlled the border. "We are monitoring the border and not allow anyone to enter without permission," said Ayyoub Abu Shaar.

Abu Shaar said that an easing of restrictions is necessary for humanitarian cases in Gaza ... because there are very urgent cases waiting for medical treatment abroad.

Every day, across the border from 300 to 500 Palestinians, mainly those in need of medical care, and students going abroad.

The Palestinian official dr. Ghazi Hamad said that negotiations are under way to keep Rafah open permanently.

Many Palestinians in Gaza see Egypt as the port of Gaza to the world, and there are great expectations that the new government aid to end the siege of Gaza with a more lenient on border crossing of Rafah.

[1] Translated by Andrea Carancini. The original text is available at:

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The Standard & Poor's lowered its rating on Fiat


Marchionne says that it is the fault of the workers and some union ...

But joking aside, this is not a bolt from the blue: a premonitory
post some time ago on the theme: -fiat-loracolo-dellindustria.html , as well as other
most recent post ...
PS Some people in this regard, calls for caution against the rating agencies ... Only when it's convenient to some opinion, not really in favor of ...

Friday, February 25, 2011

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The perverse logic of Silvio & Co. ..

... applied to 'Re-education' in prison (and out)

Secondo quella 'logica', l'ex direttore del carcere femminile modello di Genova-Pontedecimo andrebbe assolto con formula piena e... reintegrato nel suo ruolo. Dopo tutto, altro non ha fatto che seguire e mettere in pratica l'esempio che viene da uno degli scanni più alti del potere politico...

Ben peggiore fu la sorte per quel giovane geometra che, sorpreso mentre riaccompagnava una lucciola con cui si era intrattenuto, denunciato per favoreggiamento della prostituzione e privato all'istante della macchina, non ebbe il coraggio di presentarsi ai suoi dear and hanged herself with a cherry tree with his belt, just before the house: the 'Puritans', Silvio friends had understood ethical standards in the square and the streets with sneaky and ordinances against prostitution, including the public pillory for customers ... The idea that the example must come from above, after 10 years since that happened, it seems not even touched them yet ... (*)
More than one, starting with Silvio, should try some remorse of conscience for the death of this young man. But it is the same consciousness that is missing ...
Expect to see the effects of the global total, even in this 'sector'.

Everything could be wiped out and be made tabula rasa ...
The trouble is that, as widely known and demonstrated, followed by desperate times 'remedies' as extremes: the dramatic and bloody events in Libya are very vivid and present the testimony ...
---------- (*) = Puritan moralist uncompromising, sometimes more words than facts , provides a dictionary. But, in the cases discussed here, you may be better defined: an uncompromising moralist who sows dictates (that only others are bound to respect) and scratching bad ...