Saturday, March 5, 2011

White Bump Around Lip Ring

The trials of Peter Pacciani & Companions snacks

process passed the judicial history of our country ...

not summarize the events and associated legal proceedings in a simple post.
At this makes up the network, so definitely limited, from the summary on Wikipedia under ' Monster of Florence', .
Just remember that, to trigger investigation and subsequent legal proceedings, was a series of eight double murder that took place between 1968 and 1985 in the province of Florence ... The
vidende, partly because of the death of the main protagonists in veste di imputati o condannati, presentano tuttora molti lati oscuri.
I processi ebbero una enorme eco, anche perché entrarono nelle case degli italiani, grazie alle riprese TV delle udienze, giornalmente trasmesse nei telegiornali e oggetto di servizi di approfondimento.
In rete non si ritrovano le straordinarie riprese che si ebbe modo di vedere all'epoca e che, saltuariamente e in modo frammentario, ricompaiono ancora in qualche servizio televisivo. Evidentemente si tratta di registrazioni nella disponibilità della RAI e di altri soggetti che ne detengono la proprietà.
In rete si trovano porzioni di registrazioni, non altrettanto efficaci per quanto riguarda in particolare l'effetto visivo, ma comunque representative of what happened in the halls of the Florence Court at the time.
so we find:
> Pietro Pacciani The deposition of the accused, the farmer Mercatale Val di Pesa, in 3 parts:
In these three videos, in several moments, his challenge for interceptions and suffered his complaint to the evidence and witnesses to him fake because artificially 'manufactured' by the same investigators.
> The intervention of the prosecutor Paolo Canessa introducing the hearing of some of those interceptions:
> The description of the discovery of the bodies of two murdered children, with a reproduction of an image that makes it fall to the ground fainting a policeman escort this Classroom:
> The hearing of several witnesses and reaction Pacciani:
> The testimony of Lorenzo Nesi and Mario Vanni, the reactions of Pacciani, his expulsion from the courtroom, his last proclamation of innocence, his condemnation:
> threats against the accused Mario Vanni PM Canessa, the opposition, with much reference to the leader, against the President of the tribunal and its consequent removal from the classroom: .com / watch? v = GAl6bGncyVU
> The testimony of Lorenzo Nesi, a friend of Mario Vanni:
> Butini Fabrizio's testimony concerning the possible homosexuality of Giancarlo Lotti:
> Fernando Pucci's testimony, a friend of Lots:
> Other videos again, still detectable in the network. ..

As is well known that the Collodi had intended not only to write an original story for kids education, but to represent the sad reality of human society to the attention of adults, alas, that we not only his time but that of ever, who could not be wrong, perhaps a little 'affected accent of the leading actors in Florence, decided to catch a glimpse in the events, In the debates and disputes litigation, defendants and witnesses in depositions made public, The Adventures of Pinocchio: Story of a Puppet, in a modern and more tragic version conceivable ... A representation
eloquent, and typically Italian cutting all ... Maybe that's why so engaging, without detracting from the obvious commitment and professionalism of prosecutors, judges, lawyers and investigators, indeed perhaps the opposite. Despite the huge disappointment of not being able to explain it in full the 8 cases of double murder and subsequent detection and conviction for certain all the authors.

Because all this reason, it may sound like a scrambling, people might wonder ...
Mah! Some come without strut machinations trying, unconsciously, perhaps to prepare the mind for future reference, less tragic, at least we hope ...


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