Monday, March 7, 2011

Solution To John Hull

Erdogan on International Women's Day



Il Primo Ministro turco Recep Tayyp Redoğan ha detto lunedì che nessuno può legalizzare la violenza contro le donne in name of "honor."

"Violence against women is evil, cruelty and cowardice," said Erdogan, speaking at the convention of women held in Hotel Buyuk Anadolu Ankara.

Erdogan welcomed Day International of Women March 8 of all women in Turkey and the world.

Erdogan said: "I wish sincerely that Day 8 March International Women is a means to end the exploitation and murder of women and an instrument of peace, friendship and fraternity. "

Erdogan said that "our traditions put women at the center of family and social and economic life. The turkish government has no tolerance for torture and violence against women and children. We know that violence against women has been a long bloody wound in society. However, violence against women was always hidden. The AK Party government in power, for the first time the issue was dealt with seriously, and were conducted searches.

Erdogan said that the women's sections of the AK Party has organized a series of meetings outreach in February 2010, and another 3 March 2011. "The urgent thing was communicated to officers. We are considering steps to be taken to prevent violence, "he added.

Erdogan said that "1 June 2005 was made an amendment to the Penal Code was promulgated and turkish life sentence for honor killings. In 2006, a circular was issued to prevent violence against women and children. The equality of the genders has been established on solid foundations with corrections made to the constitution. With the referendum of 12 September had been provided to women in positive discrimination. To make più affidabili e sicure, le abbiamo poste sotto le garanzie costituzionali”.

“Abbiamo costruito case per proteggere le donne che avevano subito violenza in casa. Negli ultimi otto anni, il Partito AK ha difeso i diritti delle donne con sincerità e determinazione. Ci siamo adoperati affinchè le donne abbiano spazio in politica”, ha detto Erdoĝan.

“Vogliamo che le donne siano più impegnate nei problemi economici e sociali del paese”, ha detto Erdoĝan, rimarcando che tutti i problemi della società si risolvono lavorando insieme”.     

[1] Translated by Andrea Carancini. The original text is available at:


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