Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ministry Constitution Sample

Due italiani seri: ricordo del generale Giorgio Manes e del giudice Ottorino Pesce

Da SOVRANITÀ LIMITATA – Storia dell’eversione atlantica in Italia , di Antonio Cipriani e Gianni Cipriani, Edizioni Associate, Roma, 1991, pp. 104-106 [1] :

Nel 1964, anno di svolta nella storia del terrorismo atlantico, si coagula un gruppo di potere, che manterrà intatte their ability to act at least until the eighties when they were discovered lists of P2. The only characters that somehow they will pay for the scandal will Sifar General Giovanni De Lorenzo [picture], that will however be rewarded with the opening of parliament, and faithful John Allain, who was appointed State Councillor. The Board will indicate those responsible Alessi's successor at the helm of Sifar De Lorenzo, General Egidio Viggiani, who died some years and to a lesser extent, the Chief of Staff of Defence Aldo Rossi [2] . It is enough. All other characters of the story will be the brightest moment careers, especially if the surveys were witnesses on his behalf. Not the other, much less those who have even timidly told anything. Manes will suffer even a shameful persecution.

General John Celi, loyal to De Lorenzo, division commander of the Ogaden in 1964 in Naples, he became Deputy General dell'Arma instead of Manes, will in turn be replaced by General Vittorio Fiore, Delorenzo more involved in the Only events of the plan. Colonel Mario De Julio criticized even by the benevolent committee Lombardi, was promoted to commander of the Legion of Leghorn, Col. Dino Mingarelli was sent to direct the school sottufficiali di Firenze da dove, casualmente, negli stessi giorni del golpe Borghese, invierà ottocento allievi in tenuta da combattimento, alla caserma della Cecchignola a Roma. Misure di ordine pubblico in occasione della prevista (e rinviata) visita del presidente iugoslavo Tito nella capitale, è stata la versione ufficiale. Mingarelli avrò poi modo di mostrare meglio la sua fedeltà atlantica con i depistaggi successivi alla strage di Peteano. Altro promosso è il colonnello Romolo Dalla Chiesa, il cui nome comparirà nelle liste della P2, nominato comandante della Legione Lazio; il colonnello Luigi Bittoni, anche lui finito nelle liste P2, divenne comandante dei carabinieri dell’aeronautica; il colonnello Vittorio Meneguzzer, responsible for the disappearance of cases occurred in 1966, was punished by the Committee for this Beolchini that lifted from the post of commander of the Legion of Ancona and put 'available', then went to command the Legion Messina. Another official from Beolchini punished with rigorous imprisonment of ten days and placed 'available', Colonel Mario De Forgellinis became the regimental commander of the Carabinieri in Naples. Similar thing happened to Lt. Col. Amedeo Bianchi, placed under arrest by Beolchini "for his passive attitude" [3] after interrogation davanti alla commissione, che andò a comandare l’importante gruppo carabinieri di Trento, mentre il colonnello Giuseppe Palumbo, che in seguito sarebbe stato uno degli uomini di punta del cosiddetto gruppo di potere della Pastrengo, divenne comandante della brigata di Padova [4] .

Il generale Giovanni Allavena, uno dei pochi che pagarono per quelle deviazioni, sarà riabilitato nel 1990 dal presidente della Repubblica, Cossiga [foto], che lo abbraccerà in pubblico dicendo: «Allavena, golpista, vecchio amico mio» [5] . Not a word to the judge Ottorino Fish and the deputy commander of the Force, George Manes , victims of the intrigue associated with the plan only. Manes and Fish, inconvenient for their honesty, they will die of a heart attack. Ottorino Fish, who had been removed from the investigation of 'suicide' of Colonel Rocca, after being the subject of a smear campaign and called alternately "Vietcong of the right 'or' red court" will be accompanied by insults even after the funeral, which took part Lelio Basso, and the right unleashed a new offensive against the magistrates of the press "Filocinesi 'of` Judiciary Democratic " [6] .

same fate, to General Manes, first put under disciplinary investigation and then pursued until the day of death. A heart condition, suffered heart attack, was replaced in the post of deputy commander, was pressed by the committee chaired by Louis Donati which was to present the answers to the allegations that were made. "He set to work, though impaired physical condition, pressed by the power of the military - said his son, Renato Manes --. They said that even pretended to be sick for non-responsive and sent him a visit at home tax. And after the visit were given a few days to respond to an immensity of questions. He worked night and day, I remember, in very bad condition " [7] . Manes was also insulted and disparaged until after death. Many officers of the police, in front of commissions of inquiry, accused him heavily. It was not true, they said, that he had the Resistance, his only complaints were motivated by a spirit of revenge and rivalry. Dissero perfino che era un comunista, che all’epoca doveva essere uno degli insulti più pesanti che si potessero rivolgere a un ufficiale dei carabinieri. Accuse che, naturalmente, ottennero gli scopi prefissati. Diranno i relatori di minoranza: «Fu fatto così pagare un duro prezzo al coraggio di un ufficiale, alla sua lealtà verso la Repubblica , che non sono risultati inquinati da considerazioni personali e che debbono giustamente ssere ricordati» [8]

[1] The emphasis in the text are mine. Note 2, the notes are those of the original book.
[2] Alessi Report, p. 1318.
[3] Beolchini Commission, vol. II, p. 221.
[4] Minority Report, pp. 56-57.
[5] Michele Gambino, Career of a president, Rome, Edizioni Associate, 1991, p. 52.
[6] The massacre of State , cit., P. 114.
[7] Events, June 19, 1991.
[8] Report Terracini, cit., P. 57.


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