Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Erotic Spanish Movie Blog

Ezra Pound: Fascist or revisionist?

My speech on Sunday '(wrongly) appropriation of the name of Ezra Pound by the band for "CasaPound" [1] has drawn responses from two gentle readers (fascist) del mio blog, risposte che mi spingono ad un’ulteriore precisazione, stante l’indubbio interesse dell’argomento. La domanda è: Ezra Pound era fascista?

Non proprio, a mio avviso, e provo a spiegare perché. Innanzitutto, non si può dire che Pound fosse antidemocratico e ostile alla democrazia in quanto tale. Non rimproverò a Roosevelt di essere fedele alla Costituzione americana, ma di averla violata . Cito a tal proposito un brano tratto dall’interessante libro di Piero Sanavio LA GABBIA DI POUND [2] , relativo al soggiorno coatto al Gallinger Hospital (1945):

“Sosteneva che aveva sempre voluto «salvare la Costituzione » e a ciò i medici: perché salvare la Costituzione ? Da chi? E…l’aveva poi salvata? Ancora (i medici): capiva in che situazione si era ficcato? Si rendeva conto dei pericoli ai quali si era esposto? Sapeva cosa significasse…? A queste nuove domande Pound, invariabilmente esplodeva. Lo aveva scritto nei suoi libri, lo aveva detto da Radio Roma, cosa significasse «salvare la Costituzione »: governo del popolo, rappresentatività nel Congresso , lotta contro l’usura e le speculazioni sull’oro”.

Un programma mi sembra, più da sincero democratico che da “fascista”.

Secondo punto, dimenticato dai più (non solo dai fascisti): la grandiosa polemica di Pound contro l’usura, i banchieri (ebrei e non ebrei) e il bellicismo delle democrazie anglosassoni non riguarda solo la seconda guerra mondiale ma anche la prima . Prende infatti le mosse proprio dalle cause (e dagli esiti) di quest’ultima:

“However, this optimism was brought to a premature end by the First World War which shattered Pound's belief in Western civilisation. His disillusionment is immediately apparent in the satire of Hugh Selwyn Mauberley . Most significantly though, the fall-out from the War prompted Pound to begin work on The Cantos , the epic sequence that was to occupy him for the rest of his life” [3] .

Traduzione: “Tuttavia, questo ottimismo finì prematuramente a causa della prima guerra mondiale, che distrusse la fede di Pound nella civiltà occidentale. La His disillusionment is immediately evident in satire Hugh Selwyn Mauberley . The most significant though is that the negative fallout of the war prompted Pound to start work on Cantos, the epic sequel that occupied him for the rest of his life. "

In light of this, I repeat that those who in the name of Ezra Pound, to be placed to make a monument as the "Victory" in Bolzano mystifies and betrays the legacy of the poet .

I repeat: the fact that at the time Pound admired Mussolini is not reason enough to call it fascist. Provide a further cause for reflection, derived from current events. Take the ongoing insurgency in African countries. Compare in this respect the positions of two prominent journalists in that area generally defined as "disinformation." I refer to Alberto and Maurizio Blondet Mariantoni.

Compare, on the one hand, the articles Blondet "And if it was a revolt against global capitalism?" [4] and "The true atomic bomb " [5] and, secondly, the articles Mariantoni Crisis Libyan attack on Italy or" [6] and "Egypt and Tunisia: All happy and balls" [7] .

The comparison is hampered by the very practical reason that Blondet writes on a pay site. The opening words of the two articles are not enough to understand the diversity of approach. For Blondet, the current revolution is, basically, not only global - and therefore not reducible solely to the Arab people - against capitalism (also global) but also, potentially, anti - Israeli . For Mariantoni, the riots in Egypt and Tunisia are "deceptive" and are deceptive because, obviously, those who rebel not only for bread but also for their rights should not be taken seriously. In the best case is a fool and at worst a provocateur.

Blondet is often described by the antifascist and the Communists as "fascist" or "clerical-fascist". In fact, Blondet a Catholic is certainly a (very) right, but not "fascist" is, in fact, "Pound . An analyst who may, incidentally (as did Pound) praising certain aspects of social fascism, but that is not attributable to it and this for one reason, among those identified, very simple: because they do not share the contempt for the masses typical ( "Governing Italians is not difficult, it is useless," Benito Mussolini) that feeds the contempt rather plethoric scholarly analysis but basically short-sighted of the old neo-pagan fascistone of Mariantoni.

Pound Returning: if we really want to find a definition, rather than fascist I would call their own, as it happens, revisionist. Revisionist in the original sense of the word, that at the time mentioned by Serge Thion in his Brief History of Revisionism [8] : "Those who believed that the Treaty of Versailles was deeply bad and unfair and that would have led to disasters of all kinds ... "Revisionist" would therefore say critical of the political formula that ended the Great War and its horrors. This criticism was contagious. Inevitably it led to mass in discussion of the reasons for the outbreak of war .

Other than a monument to the "Victory"!


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