Sunday, March 6, 2011

Combe Grecian Formula

the beams "CasaPound" hands down by Ezra Pound!

I read, always on Blog Ugo Tassinari, that "CasaPound" has been mobilized in defense of the 'Italian' Alto Adige ( # c4236069627625921828 ), allegedly "humiliated" by the decision of the Minister Bondi to resize the "Monument to Victory" and to remove the monument of "Mussolini on horseback" ( ). Before

account: after the war unleashed unorthodox in the early 60s in South Tyrol by the police and the MSI related to General De Lorenzo (referred to here: repubblica/archivio/repubblica/1991/06/05/la-rete-parallela-dietro-gli-attentati-in.html are here: , I found disturbing clues, but whose full story is told in the book, which I mentioned several times, and Gianni Cipriani Antonio), we would only be ashamed , of be " Italian . The fact that not only tow "CasaPound" but also the directors of PDL Bolzano are so desperately attached to two monuments to colonial violence such as those ( ), shows how much damage do the poisonous myths of the Risorgimento (and how appropriate it was the decision of the Minister).

Second consideration: the willingness of those bands to name their association with Ezra Pound is doubly unfair . E 'and unfair in light of the conflict with the legitimate heir ( ) and the figure of the poet, some hostile - no ifs, ands or buts - the World Cup, but che non fu mai fascista , anche se ammirò Mussolini (che da parte sua, senz'altro lo snobbò, e anche questo va ricordato: ),  e che era comunque lontanissimo dal provincialismo dell'Italietta risorgimentale che, passando per il fascismo, è sopravvissuto purtroppo fino a noi.  Su tale provincialismo, intrinseco the very idea of \u200b\u200b"Italy" as we have been taught, as that deep South which has been poisoned for decades, the ramifications, is still the opinion of Dostoevsky: "a small second-kingdom" ( %% 20sul 20Risorgimento ).

The worst thing though was that he had exploited the name of your Pound in Bolzano, a short distance from the castle of Brunnenburg, where the poet lived from 1958 to 1961: http : / / ).
to violate not only the spiritual heritage of the 'Homer American, but the real heroes of that country: the Andreas Hofer, the Sepp Kerschbaumer [Image] (http : / / ) and so on. That is, the South Tyrolean Catholics martyred patriots first by Napoleon and the State "Italian" then.

Think for a moment the abyss between these two ideas of the country: the patriotism essentially bloodless (and heroic) of genuine South Tyrolean and irredentist terrorism and murderous villain of the Atlantic, worthy heirs of the "conquerors" ladyfingers in the first half of the 60 tests made in this general area of \u200b\u200bthe strategy of tension.

With this says it all: the boys who went to Bolzano to be mayhem, you will certainly feel a bit 'too, of "conquerors." Maybe it is also true: they have won a piece of Alto Adige, but have lost the South Tyrol. And also, at least a little ', Ezra Pound.


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