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Geert Wilders: The puppet of the Israeli right

Geert Wilders AND ISRAEL

By Peter Edel, December 1, 2010 [1]

There is so much commotion in the Netherlands on anti-Islamic Freedom Party [2] (PVV) Geert Wilders [3] . Members belonging to different PVV have recently been discredited for several reasons: the violence, to sexual behavior reprehensible, scams. The Wilders' crusade against Islam, like many Dutch people, that's for sure. Led him to success. But finding honest members among its ranks is another matter.

The problem era iniziato qualche mese prima delle elezioni dello scorso giugno, quando Wilders conseguì un’importante vittoria. Si scoprì che uno dei suoi candidati era stato arrestato due anni prima dalla polizia olandese per possesso illegale di armi da fuoco. Questo candidato, Gidi Markuszower, era membro di un gruppo addetto alla sicurezza associato alla sezione olandese del partito Likud di Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu.

Di conseguenza, i giornali olandesi hanno riferito che Markuszower era stato indagato dai servizi segreti olandesi (AIVD), sospettato di “aver passato informazioni a fonti straniere”. Non ci volle molto prima che il giornale olandese NRC Handelsblad accertasse il fatto che Markuszower had worked for the Israeli secret service, Mossad. It is not impossible, nor even improbable, that the information passed to Mossad Markuszower concerned the Dutch Jews who openly show their dissatisfaction with the policy of Israel. Especially since Markuszower is known to have spoken in favor of the expulsion of these Jews from the Dutch Jewish community.

A supporter of the Zionist

Markuszower is not the only link between Wilders and Israel, certainly not. Already in the old days when he was a member of the Dutch Liberal Party (VVD), Wilders became known as a passionate advocate della causa sionista. In seguito, da deputato, volse le spalle al VVD. Il problema non era Israele, visto che lo stesso VVD ha assunto una posizione estremamente filo-israeliana. No, era più per il fatto che il feroce approccio di Wilders all’Islam era troppo scabroso da gestire da parte dei liberali olandesi. Il VVD non è conosciuto per avere una visione positiva degli immigrati dai paesi islamici, ma l’odio dichiarato di Wilders era considerato eccessivo. Wilders rifiutò il compromesso necessario a rimanere nel partito e proseguì per suo conto sulla strada dell’odio.

Dopo la nascita del suo partito, il sostegno di Wilders a Israele è diventato così forte che molti olandesi hanno iniziato a interrogarsi sull’ampiezza della relazione tra Wilders e Israele. In Olanda, è risaputo che lui ha visitato Israele più di 40 volte, come è risaputo da molti che Wilders è un frequente ospite dell’ambasciata israeliana all’Aja. Tutto ciò spiega l’ipotesi largamente condivisa che non è stato solo Markuszower ad attirare la vigile attenzione dei servizi olandesi, ma lo stesso Wilders. La connessione con Israele si manifesta anche dal fatto che due dei collaboratori di Wilders ai tempi in cui era parlamentare del VVD, Iddo Moed e Elliot Wagschal, diventarono poi impiegati della stessa ambasciata israeliana.

Wilders è in contatto con i circoli più nazionalisti of Israel. When the fundamentalist Zionist Avigdor Lieberman has visited the Netherlands to meet with government officials, had a private dinner with Wilders. And during one of his recent visits to Israel, met with Wilders Aryeh Eldad, the extreme right Hatikva, essentially a party of settlers. Needless to say that Lieberman is appreciated that Eldad Wilders comments on the impossibility of any Palestinian state in the Middle East over Jordan. So , Wilders is not simply Israel's side, because in fact collaborating with the country's extreme nationalists. Work with that extreme right Likud who enjoys making life impossible for the indigenous population of Palestine.

Wilders has excellent relations with the pro-Israel groups in the United States. He argued, for example, by the neocon Daniel Pipes, Middle East Forum. Pipes helped Wilders in legal costs for the case against him educated in Holland, where different groups had accused him of incitement to hatred. In the United States, Wilders is also in frequent contact with the American-Jewish Pamela Geller, known as one of the most notorious hate propaganda against Islam. Wilders has joined the campaign against the Geller House Cordoba, the mosque planned in Manhattan, to be built not far from 11. The Geller belongs to the current right-wing Zionism, where Wilders is at home. In the U.S., she is active only against Muslims but also against Jews who criticize Israel, which are those "that are soft with Islam." Markuszower just as it did in Holland before being unmasked as an informer of the Mossad.

But there's more. A brief news underestimated in the Netherlands by the mainstream media, but nevertheless significant. Circulating on Dutch Web sites, and that's received attention. It is a statement signed by Mrs. MB Kwint-de Roos, un’ex impiegata del partito VVD, e da suo marito J. A. W. F. Kwint. La dichiarazione riguarda una cena di Natale del VVD avvenuta nel 1991. Alla fine della serata, la coppia si ritrovò ad un tavolo con il giovane Wilders, che era diventato membro del VVD non molto tempo prima. Wilders era ovviamente ubriaco.

Secondo la signora Kwint-de Roos, Wilders le cantò in un orecchio dei canti israeliani nazionalisti. Dopo di che, sentì il bisogno di fare ogni sorta di confessioni – su suo padre, originario dell’Indonesia, ma anche su sua madre, di cui asseriva l’origine ebraica. Su questo punto, Wilders contraddiceva un’altra informazione, sicuramente attendibile, about his family background - information that none of his parents is jew. He obviously lied. It seems that Wilders simply wants to be a jew. The fact that he wants to change his family background to make that impression has the disease. Shows signs of some kind of identity disorder. At the same time, responds well to the definition of pro-Semitic. A phenomenon that often serves as a cover paradoxical anti-Semitism. The overwhelming enthusiasm for Israel by Christian anti-Semites in the United States, is a clear example in this regard. So, do not rule out anything when it comes to Wilders and his love for Israel. His psychology would be strange like his hair.

Kwint According to Ms. de-Roos, Wilders also said that Israel had been recruited by a secret service and that he experienced there, training hard enough. Even said that in such training, he had been tortured. Of course, it is difficult to verify this claim, this may also have been a boast, as his boast of an alleged Jewish origin. What remains is the fact that Wilders has not only been to Israel many times, but also there that he spent several years of his adolescence.

Wilders said Mrs. Kwint-de Roos and her husband, which had both passports, Israeli and Dutch. If this were true, it would be really ironic. Because in later years, Wilders stood against several members of the Dutch government for the fact that they had two passports. How Nebahat Albayrak, a former justice minister, who is of Turkish origin. Wilders raised questions in parliament on the loyalty of Mrs. Albayrak Holland, because she also turkish passport.

A career coordinated policy by other

Wilders went so far as to say that his political career was not coordinated by himself but by others. The divorce his first wife, was established by the same "other" and so was his marriage to his second wife. There are many questions about the partner's marital Wilders. Of his current wife, Krisztina Marfai, initially thought he was born in Hungary and that was of Jewish origin. Paul Wilders, leader of the PVV's brother, has his doubts. He confirms that the Marfai is Hungarian, but denies that it is of Jewish origin. On the contrary, has roots in Turkey, according to Paul Wilders, who has obviously to discredit his brother on the Internet.

Wilders corroborated his confession prophesying that the couple would soon become member of VVD and that he should not do anything to reach that position. He suggested that "other" would help him in every way. When the woman's husband Kwint-de Roos Wilders told that he himself was in contact with a secret service long ago, Wilders became sober at once and he came up with a threat directed at his guests: "if she will make a any mention of this conversation, it will be dangerous for her than for her husband, "she said.

You can not say as there is truth in what Mrs. Kwint-de Roos and her husband said. However, their testimony confirms the strong relationship between Israel and Wilders - if only because it is Wilders who wants to believe it's true. Is not that a rash that Wilders consideri il fare meglio che può gli interessi di Israele in Olanda come la propria missione personale. Produrre odio contro l’Islam sembra far parte di questa missione. Semplicemente perché un’immagine negativa dei musulmani in Europa può solo portare a un maggior sostegno per Israele. Qualunque altra cosa, come la costernazione provocata da Wilders nella società olandese, è di secondaria importanza.

È strano che qualcuno senta il bisogno di misure come quelle volute da Wilders, dato che l’Olanda è già conosciuta come uno dei paesi più filo-israeliani immaginabili, anche senza Wilders. Tuttavia, secondo qualcuno in Israele, a quanto pare non è abbastanza filo-israeliana. One wonders how long before the Dutch will have had enough of Zionist machinations of Wilders in their country. It may take time, because unfortunately a symptom of racism is selective blindness.


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