Friday, December 31, 2010

How Much Do Sports Psychologist Get Paid

TO ALL OF YOU ........

STARTS THE COUNTDOWN ...............

............. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3 - 2-1 ........... ZEROOOOOOOO

to all who passed through here ................




Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Is It Safe To Buy Temazepam On Line

a ghost story! MERRY CHRISTMAS

Hello to all! How was your Christmas? All right?
I wanted to tell you a little story about ghosts! Who knows why
since these small Stories have always fascinated me and enchanted.
Last year I was in the "MY BEAUTIFUL ENGLAND" when I came across this old mill.

E 'an antique shop, and it's huge, multi-story, inside you will perde.Ovunque pests,
creaks all but propio all, but it is a nice ..... ...!
However, once you have gone around and be the cashier, where there were two lovely old ladies,
I saw a picture hanging on the wall e. ............. .

...... and yes! propio is a ghost! I stayed at mouth open, mesmerized, so much so that my husband had to give me a shrug
! And I said that to old people: but ghost? and they, yes yes!
If you look closely, the clothes, looks like a Lady of the first of the "900 (I run with some imagination huh?)
Unfortunately that day I had the camera with me, then, with a" huge disappointment "I had to come back this
'year, armed with a digital camera.
Under the photo there was also the explanation, this .........

...... that more or less goes like this: This is a copy of an original photograph taken in the summer of '99.
copies have not been tampered with in any so and so. etc.. etc..!

Once home I looked on the internet and I found that this mill dates back about one thousand a year, and is mentioned on
"DOOMESDAY BOOK", literally: Book of the Day of Judgement " .
was a census ordered by William the Conqueror, in 1086, to describe the goods, lands
and people of his kingdom, so it is soooooo old!
They also say that in the basement there is the ghost of an old lady in the rocking chair ........
brrrr! How scary!
........ I wish you all pleasant dreams!
I wish SWEET DREAMS you all!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


is done now, Christmas is getting closer and closer ........

The Christmas tree has found its niche usually .........

decorations and so ..........

gifts are ready and decorated with bows ...........

and candles ready to be lit ........
the PC has his daddy ............
the hearts and the garland (made by me), ready to hang on the door .....

the snowman with his birds, (which I stitched a few years ago), was the first ............

and since then everything is ready ....... I wish all of you who passed through here Merry Christmas and Peaceful, Prospero, but mostly full of Health NEW YEAR!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Baer Custom .45 Caliber

Course Reference No 4 The movement for peace in Italy and Reggio Emilia

Comunichiamo a tutte le persone interessate che questo corso è rimandato a data ancora da individuare.

Le iscrizioni al momento sono pertanto chiuse.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Entry Of Reit In India


- … la logica è un po' quella del supermercato: grandi superfici suddivise in reparti, la merce nuova in bella vista, offerte speciali, sconti e occhio al fatturato.   I colossi - pochi - avanzano undisturbed, while children die in silence or barely survive. ... A market that is not limited to "pass off" entertainment, but also information and culture. That is why, concentrated in the hands of a few, creates concern ... -

This old reflection appeared in the journal Altreconomia "a few years ago, still seems more timely than ever. Small independent bookstores continue to suffer from this situation in a plus compounded by a widespread crisis, he sees as the only possible way out, to strengthen further the relationship and the relationship of trust with everything that world of customers, "socially motivated", be they individuals, associations, clubs, trade unions, informal groups, libraries, realities of solidarity, teachers, educators, artists, cultural workers, with ... that is, to anyone who can see in these places , the real "free spaces" to be safeguarded, where a breath of fresh air in a world, that of information and publishing, also approved increasing the single thought.
We also Infoshop on May 6 to participate in this resistance movement ... and we ask you to do your part continuando a sostenerci nei diversi modi che riterrete più opportuni: acquistando libri, riviste e CD; partecipando alla vita stessa della libreria e alle sempre più numerose presentazioni di libri,   ai corsi di formazione che sono partiti questo autunno, suggerendo iniziative.

A tal proposito vi ricordiamo che è ancora attiva la tessera prepagata che già da tempo proponiamo ai frequentatori della libreria. Si tratta di una scheda a scalare del costo di 90 euro, che però ne vale 100; in pratica: voi ci date subito 90 euro, che a noi fanno molto comodo come liquidità immediata per pagare i fornitori e voi ricevete un buono spesa di 100 euro, quindi 10 euro in più. E’ come se aveste uno sconto del 10%, il massimo che possiamo permetterci.
Un’ottima idea anche come regalo di Natale per amici e parenti!

Se abitate lontano da Reggio Emilia e vi riesce difficile passare dal nostro negozio, tenete presente che potete ordinarci i libri via e-mail.

How Do I Write My Resume Greatly?

THURSDAY' December 9, at 21.15 - COMPANY 'common goods

Presentazione del libro curato da PAOLO CACCIARI (Carta/Ediesse, 2010) , the presence of an administrator.

in collaboration with the Territorial Laboratory Reggiano of Social Economy, as part of the path "upside down - towards a happy"

The book explores the good theories and good practice aimed at achieving a society of common goods, in contrast to the path followed by the then ruling power. At the completion of the text was attended, among others, Bruno Amoroso, Riccardo Petrella, Giovanna Admissions, Edoardo Salzano, Gianni Tamino, David Biolghini, Emilio Molinari, Tonino Perna, Chiara Sasso.

Paolo Cacciari is a journalist and essayist. He published "Thinking the decrease. Sustainability and Equity "(Intra Moenia, 2006). He is a member of the Association for Degrowth

Where: at Mag6 Infoshop Library - via S. Vincenzi 13 / A - Reggio Emilia - Tel & Fax 0522/430307