Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Some Different Types Of Boobs


remind everyone involved that are close to the end of September 2010 enrollments n.1 Omsizzar: the many ugly faces of racism and the certainty of not being vaccinated and No 2 To achieve a future we must first dream, those interested can download the request form registration form, fill it and send it to info@infoshopmag6.it , more information directly to the library in Reggio Emilia, Via Sante Vincenzi 13 / A, or by phone at 0522/430307.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mount And Blade Seial


were published within the pages alongside the detailed plans for some courses:

Course No 1 - Omsizzar
Course No 2 - To build the future we must first dream.
Course No 3 - Collapse or decline: the alternatives to the economic crisis, ecological and political
Course No 4 - The Movement for Peace in Italy and Reggio Emilia - Some stages of a historical

Entries courses are open and we invite all interested parties to contact us as soon as possible.

I corsi n. 1 e n. 2 avranno inizio il 4 ottobre 2010 e la possibilità di iscriversi terminerà entro la fine del mese di settembre. - ISCRIZIONI CHIUSE

Il corso n. 3 inizierà invece il 4 Novembre il primo modulo e il 2 Dicembre il secondo, le iscrizioni in questo caso si chiuderanno per il primo modulo entro la fine del mese di ottobre e entro la fine del mese di Novembre per il secondo.

Il corso n. 4 inizierà il 9 Novembre il primo modulo, mentre il secondo modulo inizierà il 17 Gennaio 2011.

E' possibile scaricare la Scheda Richiesta Iscrizione Corsi Infoshop Mag6 e inviarla direttamente tramite mail all'indirizzo info@infoshopmag6.it

Continue to monitor developments on the Blog.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Automatic Rolling Box For Cigarette


As of October 2010 and for the entire 2010-2011 season Infoshop Mag6, in addition to books, magazines, videos and CD offers a calendar of courses and information and details on where it is specialized.

courses on a monthly basis and will require a commitment of two hours a week for a total of at least four sessions, depending on the subjects and topics covered will provide for a greater number of meetings or the organization on multiple forms, not necessarily preparatory to one another.

The first courses will begin Oct. 4 and will address the possible futures and racism, in the following places are all the details needed to participate in subsequent months will be possible to investigate the history of pacifism, the gender difference in the decrease.

The programming schedule will be made also in the pipeline based on your requests, so if you have particular topics you care about or want to know more we have not yet thought of but which may be of interest to others, send us an email at info @ infoshopmag6 . com, or phone us at 0522/430307 come to find in bookstores in Via Sante Vincenzi 13/aa Reggio Emilia!