Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Wana Get Rid Of Bangs Help


Mercenary is a military that purposes only lucro personale, compie azioni militari per conto di un privato, una società o di uno stato, secondo un contratto prestabilito.

Ma mercenario in senso lato può essere colui che offre le sue prestazioni, le più disparate, a fronte di un corrispettivo in denaro o altro genere di compenso.

Quelli al soldo di Gheddafi non sono più mercenari nel senso strettamente militare del termine, perché la loro azione è stata indirizzata al massacro dei civili. Sono da considerarsi piuttosto formazioni del genere ‘squadroni della morte’ (ben definiti in Wikipedia), quando non sono dei morti di fame reclutati in tutta fretta negli stati confinanti e dotati di un kalashnikov . Sono comunque dei mercenari a tutti gli effetti.

Mercenari in senso lato ce ne sono ovunque, anche fuori dagli scenari di guerra, come ad esempio in ambito politico e non solo…

La storia, passata e contemporanea, ne è piena...

All mercenaries, without exception, are united by certain characteristics:

> working for money or other consideration;

> when they have the perception that bad for them or for us Who pays for them, do not hesitate to disappear and, where possible and convenient, go to the opponent, because their is imperative, so take advantage and benefit from their actions, but always and above all to save his skin, possibly with the loot ...

who hires mercenaries For these reasons it can not be trusted at all: the only instrument in his hands able to control them is the reward, certainly not their blind loyalty or some ideology.

The SS, which were not mercenary formations but fanatical slaves of Hitler and his doctrine, they made an oath of allegiance to the Fuhrer and, in accordance with that oath, retains traces of the extermination of millions of innocent civilians.

Gaddafi, having spotted the first person in the crimes committed by the squadrons which he commanded the massacre, will have hard life. Its people seeking revenge. His mercenaries are on the alert. And his 'loyalists' who surround him and not give up, they behave like this because most likely related to him by the same crimes and accountability.

hard part for rais although, as we read, who aspired to live a hundred years after his father's death and dying 'female', a death 'benign from which we can get without resistance' . Perhaps it should prepare to die the death 'male', a 'death that challenge and fight', not a hero but insane criminal, ultimately perhaps a coward, as his last delirious speech and behavior would seem to bode ...


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