Sunday, February 27, 2011

Calories In A Chicken Curry And Rice

A Silvio disarming ...

... in his utterances on February 26

"Only the traditional family is a legitimate 'means a joke, that he who does anything in his private life, it sounds hypocritical and fatal, aggravated by the frown and the tone of voice, harsh and uncompromising ... The same intolerance shown towards prostitution, when there is a half he and his friends ( / the-logic-of-evil-silvio-co.html ).

Un duro attacco a quel che resta della scuola pubblica «che inculca valori diversi da quelli della famiglia»: la famiglia, un tema a lui molto caro…

«Nessuno ha idea di quello che accadrà sulla sponda africana del Mediterraneo», dice. Forse non ce l’ha lui (e quelli come lui) un’idea di quello che accadrà, né di quelle che potrebbero essere le sorti sue e del Paese che crede di governare…

Tant’è che, sul finale, esclama, deciso e raggiante: “Invito tutti al Bunga Bunga!!!”

Se non sono farneticazioni, le sue, ben poco ci manca… E’ una questione di tempo… It always does everything with his hands!

In the picture: the twenty thousand desperate ship Vlora - Port of Bari, August 1991

... The attempt to dismiss the ship crammed with refugees was immediately vain: "I am not able to take decisions" - the dramatic response of the master, Milaca Alim - "Do not control anyone. The ship is ungovernable, on board there are children and the sick" . The images of the ship berthed at the port of Bari 30 fragments of history are indelible: an exhausted crowd who jumps into the sea while you can leave this hell float. Waiting for the Albanian refugees there would be, however, by Shortly thereafter, another hell ... # 5846439199857610630 = 8bmqqbKBxb8 & feature = related

characters that covered the main institutional offices at the time of the tragic event, were: Cossiga, President of the Republic Andreotti, Prime Minister, Interior Minister Scott, Minister of Justice Hammer (and the author of the homonymous immigration law) ... always our politicians stand for lightness , superficiality, irresponsibility , unpreparedness, inability , dishonesty, corruption and bad faith . And I'm always unlucky and citizens in general to pay the consequences, never them. And also have the gall to complain that they are heard and considered in supranational contexts: in reality he is given the weight they deserve ... The trouble is that, to pay the consequences, even in this aspect, are only ever ordinary citizens (today for example, primarily, those of Lampedusa, but not only) ...


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