Cosa pensare degli attuali rivolgimenti in Africa e in Medio Oriente? Difficile speak with knowledge of the facts, so much so that two American journalists dear to me, Webster Tarpley and Michael Hoffman, on this issue are exactly the opposite. Tarpley has indeed embraced the position of conspiracy (the revolutions in the course are "colored" by Obama and hetero) [1] while Michael says it is facing real, not rigged [2] . The situation is really not easy to decipher but, in my opinion, a point still there and is called Erdogan. In these turbulent days, when the vultures of the 'West "are preparing to throw himself on Libya unguarded by civil war, the turkish leader was one of the few, along with Putin [3] to express concerns about common sense and humanity, and not by greed power
"People are already struggling to find food, how to feed the people of Libya? The sanctions, intervention would precipitate the Libyan people, who must already facing starvation and violence, in a situation even more desperate. We appeal to the international community to act with conscience, justice, law and universal human values, and not dictated by concern for oil, "said [4] .
Yes, Erdogan's Turkey is a fixed point in the midst of changes underway, and not only because the axis with Tehran is increasingly reinforcing [5] : if, as we continue a dire, le attuali rivolte nel mondo islamico nascono da bisogni “laici”, e non dal fondamentalismo religioso, allora i popoli dell’area non potranno non guardare con interesse a un leader come Erdogan, vero musulmano moderato , a differenza di quelli che in Occidente la Israel lobby vorrebbe spacciarci come tali:
“ Permettete alle persone di vestirsi come vogliono, rispettatele tutte e preservate la loro libertà perché spezzare i cuori è qualcosa di peggio che demolire la Kaaba [6] ”, dichiarava un anno fa il leader AK Party, stressing his opposition to all forms of discrimination based on dress code [7] .
And again: "The AK Party has fought against all forms of discrimination and encouraged the participation of women in politics. 'At women seeking of their rights we leave the doors open' . "They were financed studies to about 350,000 girls and women investors were encouraged by special bank loans." "Women produce taking more active roles in every field , "said Erdogan [8] .
There's enough to alarm the latitude of each nazisionisti ... May God protect him!
[3] "The Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warned against Western attempts to meddle in the Arab world to try to impose democracy" http:/ / / news / ten-day-protest-Libya /
[5] "In Tehran, Ahmadinejad and Gul reiterated that the two countries intend to increase the volume of bilateral trade, which now totals 10 billion dollars, up to 30 billion "
[8] Ibid
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