the protests of workers increased in all EGYPT [1]
Friday, February 25, 2011
The workers' protests continued yesterday in the various governorates [2] while hundreds of miners of the oasis of Bahariya [3] held sit-ins to protest the poor living conditions. Although about 50 employees of the Ministry of Religious [Waqf [4] ] have applied salary increases and dozens of temporary agricultural overseers have continued to protest to get the permanent job.
In Port Said [5] , hundreds of residents of the village of Radwan have called for investigations into violations concerning the sale of land given to graduate students (in the draft Mubarak for young graduates) without official authorization.
in Beni Suef [6] , 1000 among graduates, workers, e insegnanti hanno protestato per il secondo giorno in fila davanti all’edificio del Ministero dell’Istruzione del governatorato. Hanno chiesto opportunità di lavoro vero e permanente. I dimostranti hanno cercato di prendere d’assalto l’edificio ma le forze dell’ordine li hanno fermati. I dimostranti si sono radunati sulla via Saleh Salem, una delle principali strade cittadine che conducono alle strade principali circostanti, e hanno bloccato il traffico. Hanno minacciato di assaltare il sindacato degli insegnanti e di mettere a fuoco l’edificio del Ministero dell’Istruzione se le loro richieste non fossero state accolte.
Ad Alessandria, decine di impiegati del centro di ricerche Medical University of Alexandria held a protest in front of the administrative offices of the university. They asked for permanent contracts for temporary staff, higher salaries, and administrative reforms to make immediate cleaning "of the remains of the old regime."
Dozens of residents of the village of NADH Amriya protested in front of the coal plant. Demonstrators have complained about emissions from factories, they say, have caused illness among residents. In addition, secondary school students staged a protest in front of the mosque Qaeda Ibrahim, asking not to be equated students vocational schools at the time of application for enrollment. They also asked that the exams are postponed as a result of the current rioting.
A Suez [7] , the 1,200 employees of the Egyptian national steel companies have blocked the road-Ain Al-Sokhna Adabiya. Workers have said that the agencies responsible have not intervened to resolve their problems with the administration and to meet their demands. The workers of the Egyptian Amiron for steel pipes have continued for the fourth consecutive day of their sit-in at the headquarters of the company, hoping to ottenere migliori condizioni economiche e lavorative, e una partecipazione agli utili dell’azienda. A Kafr El-Sheikh [8] , i conducenti di autobus della città di Desouk hanno continuato a scioperare per protestare contro i costi crescenti della loro assicurazione.
A Daqahlia [9] , 1.500 coltivatori hanno protestato contro i provvedimenti del Ministero dei Beni Religiosi. Il ministero aveva illegalmente venduto terreni a commercianti e uomini d’affari in un’asta pubblica. I coltivatori erano affittuari dei terreni da più di 70 years.
A Damietta [10] , dozens of employees of the health districts and Farsco Zarkaa held a protest calling for increases in compensation, restructuring of wages and the removal administrative manager of the district.
A Menoufiya, 50 women relatives of the inmates of state prison Shibin al-Kom, protested in front of all the courts to ask that their relatives may be issued or allowed to visit them in prison.
A Qaliubia [11] , about 300 drivers stormed the governorate building, destroying the main gate. Rose on the second floor, occupied rooms and surrounded the offices of governor Adli Hussein.
For Asssuan [12] , 700 workers of the mining company Al-Nasr of Edfu [13] presented a memorandum to the union National Miners, the Egyptian Trade Union Federation and the Holding Company for Mining Industries, demanding the withdrawal of confidence to the Chairman of supervisory board and the union committee of employees. The workers have requested a new temporary administrative committee composed of employees.
A Ismailia [14] , a number of members of the Chamber of Commerce requested the dissolution of the board of directors.
In response to strikes of workers, the Ministry of Health has distributed a circular to administrative health districts of the governorates announcing that the protests are unacceptable and that the groups protesting there will be no negotiations.
Il ministero ha confermato che ha costituito un comitato supremo per esaminare i problemi e le proposte di soluzione degli impiegati, per cercare di proteggere le agenzie statali e assicurare la continuità delle loro funzioni.
Da quando ha preso il potere, il Consiglio Supremo delle Forze Armate ha diffuso diverse dichiarazioni facendo appello ai cittadini di cessare gli scioperi e le proteste e di tornare al lavoro.
[1] Traduzione di Andrea Carancini. Il testo originale è disponibile all’indirizzo:
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