When I read the new theme of the contest Leda and Claudia, on the beautiful picnic, laughing alone, I've got pants down!
I think I'm a compulsive maniac on this subject for years looking for a perfect basket, I have several now in the garage but none that really satisfies me.
It 's my worst gripe: too big, too small, poor, heavy, unrefined, etc. ... I am the insatiable
or I have not yet found "my"?! My husband is sick now gives up to give me and then being told "thanks, it's nice, but ....".
In general they are not so, I'm easily pleased, but the picnic basket is a problem for me.
And now you wonder "how is your perfect picnic?"
Yes, they are small details una inguaribile romantica, per cui perdonatemi per questo ma non devono mancare nel mio cestino i flutes di vetro e una bella bottiglia di vino!
Non pretendo le stoviglie d'argento, sarebbe troppo anche per me, ma un pizzico di raffinatezza rende più gustoso il pic-nic anche se siete in un bel prato verde a godervi le belle giornate.
Principalmente il cibo poi deve essere tutto tagliato e pronto per essere gustato, delle porzioni già fatte, perchè dopo una bella camminata non ho voglia di mettermi a farcire, tagliare e preparare, ma voglio sedermi su una bella tovaglia, bermi un bel bicchiere di vino e sbocconcellare il cibo con il naso all'insù a contare le nuvole!
La ricetta che vi propongo stavolta is not my bag of flour but taken from a book on Cretan cuisine.
What's better than a nice Greek recipe, the kind with natural ingredients and earth, to enjoy a picnic outdoors?! Here are the
my balls cicerchie perfect to be eaten at room temperature, energy and tasty!
2 tablespoons finely chopped onion 2 tablespoons semolina
In a large bowl, empty the grass peas, boiled which you have the boiled after being soaked for at least overnight.
In the same bowl, add the chopped onion, finely chopped peppermint, meal, salt and pepper.
Stir to mix the ingredients.
Form the mixture into small balls that flatten a bit 'with his hands and then put it back in the fridge to rest for at least half an hour.
In a pan put a little olive oil and when hot then brown the meatballs on both sides.
When ready remove them and then let them drain on paper towels.
to taste with salt and then allow to cool slightly before preparing per il vostro pic-nic.
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