Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ideas Rythmic Costume

Eniko Gyori: Turkey a model for the Islamic world



The Hungarian Minister for European Affairs said Thursday that the EU should stress more often than Turkey should be taken model in the Islamic world.

Eniko Gyori said the EU should keep up the enlargement process, faced with a serious crisis in an area nearby.

The EU should say more often than Turkey is a model for the Muslim world, said Mrs. Gyori all'Anatolian News Agency.

Hungary currently holds the presidency - in rotation - the Union.

Mrs. Gyori said he hoped that other EU member states agree with the call for Hungarian not have tunnel vision and look to neighboring geographic areas with una visione più ampia.

Il ministro ha detto di avere le mani legate sul processo di accesso alla UE della Turchia, in particolare a causa del problema di Cipro.

La signora Gyori ha detto che l’Ungheria vuole aprire negoziati con la Turchia sulla competizione durante la sua presidenza, ma che si aspetta “la massima cooperazione dalla Turchia”.

Affermando di trovare giuste le aspettative della Turchia sulla politica dei visti, la signora Gyori ha detto che l’unione non ha potuto raggiungere un accordo sull’inizio dei negoziati riguardanti l’esenzione dai visti.

Mrs. Gyori said that if Turkey fulfills the criteria for opening negotiations on the competition and to sign the readmission agreement, Hungary would have a strong argument in his hands to convince the exemption from visas " States reluctant. "

Turkey became a candidate country to the EU in December 1999. the Union began with talks on Turkey access October 3, 2005. With Turkey, the EU opened so far 13 of the 35 negotiating chapters.

Appeal Letter For Reinstatement

Gaza Strip, February: seven Palestinians killed and 46 wounded


Saed Bannoura, Thursday, March 3, 2011 ( )

A report published by the Higher Committee for Medical Services di Gaza, ha rivelato che i soldati israeliani hanno ucciso, nel mese di febbraio, 7 palestinesi, e ne hanno feriti 46, inclusi diversi bambini, durante vari attacchi mirati contro la Striscia di Gaza.

Il portavoce del comitato, Adham Abu Salmiyya, ha dichiarato che l'aviazione israeliana ha bombardato a Gaza almeno 15 obbiettivi, incluso un deposito di medicinali appartenente al Ministero della Salute, a est di Gaza City.

Ha anche dichiarato che tre pescatori sono stati uccisi dal fuoco della Marina israeliana vicino Beit Lahia, e che un lavoratore, che raccoglieva detriti da riciclare e da utilizzare nell'edilizia, è stato parimenti ucciso e altri diciotto lavoratori sono rimasti feriti.

The number of workers Palestinians killed in Gaza by the army, since March 2010, are 6, while 132 have been wounded.

Abu Salmiyya said that two residents were killed and eleven wounded were hit by Israeli artillery shells, and that 18 were injured during air strikes conducted by the Israeli.

Two residents were injured when a bomb dropped in previous raids by the army, broke out near them.

In December 2010, Israeli troops killed seven Palestinians, including two children, and wounded more than 20 residents.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bolly Wood Actress Boobs

Kreativ Blogger

What can I say! I never liked the chains, I avoid a priori! But ..... these are all a different story!
These calls: Small gifts that we exchange to show that we appreciate, really, the friendship that has developed between us.
The dearest Claire of lacollezionistadidettagli. , with its precious that reviews keeps me up to date and the lovely Sylvia of unteconjaneausten. , took his tea in his elegant style are, for me, regenerating, I was given this award:
With care, as always you're very kind.
And now I have to go to give this award to 10 other blogs ..... so .... see see:

1 @ favoladellabotte my favorite history teacher ..
2 @ turistadimestiere. his travels, virtual, by the way, are very interesting.
3 @ scoziaalba. his Scotland makes me dream.
4 @ piccolosognoantico one of the bloggers that there are more romantic.
5 @ teddybearshouse. a new, very precious, and creative friend.
6 @ countrynanny one of the first, but very creative and valuable friend.
7 @ cannellaemele England for the love that unites us.
8 @ vorreiscriverecomejaneausten love wallow among its varied and interesting post.
9 @ angolodiestel. a 'friend of the English heart.
10 @ cipriaemerletti your living room is a paradise.
And now I should tell you 10 things about me ....., but I prefer to fly, I think that by now, reading my post, you
learned to know and I would not get bored. Now step to alert you one by one.

Singapore Schools In 1970

The Judgement of John Dugard on apartheid in the Israeli occupied territories


Of John Dugard , IMEU , 29 November 2006

The new book of former President Jimmy Carter, "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid," has ignited a controversy for its allegation that Israel practices a form of apartheid.

As a South African - and former activist against apartheid - who regularly visits the Palestinian territories to assess the situation of human rights on behalf of the UN Human Rights Council [Council for Human Rights United Nations] [2] , the comparison with apartheid South Africa is of particular interest to me

At first glance, the two regimes are very different. Apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial discrimination of which the white minority of South Africa uses to maintain power over the black majority. It consisted in the denial of political rights of blacks, the fragmentation of the country in white areas and black areas (called Bantustans) e nell’imposizione di misure restrittive contro i neri volte a conseguire la superiorità e la sicurezza dei bianchi e la separazione razziale.

Il “sistema delle leggi del passaggio”, che cercava di impedire il libero movimento dei neri e di ridurre il loro ingresso nelle città, veniva applicato in modo rigoroso. I neri vennero forzatamente “trasferiti”, e venne loro negato l’accesso alla maggior parte dei locali pubblici e a molti tipi di lavoro. Il sistema venne applicato con un brutale apparato di sicurezza in cui la tortura aveva un ruolo significativo.

I territori palestinesi – Gerusalemme Est, la Cisgiordania and Gaza - have been under Israeli military occupation since 1967. As the military occupation is tolerated and regulated by international law, is considered an undesirable regime to put an end as soon as possible. For nearly 40 years, the United Nations condemning the military occupation by Israel, along with colonialism and apartheid, as contrary to international audiences.

In principle, the purpose of military occupation is different from that of apartheid. It is not intended as a long-term oppressive regime but as an interim measure that maintains law and order in a territory after a conflict armed and waiting for a peace agreement. But this is not the nature of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Since 1967, Israel has imposed its control over Palestinian territories, in the guise of employment as a colonizing power. Seized permanently more attractive parts of the territory - the holy places in East Jerusalem, Hebron and Bethlehem and the fertile agricultural lands along the western border and in the Jordan Valley - and planted their "colonists" throughout the Jewish territory.

The Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories has many features of colonization. At the same time, it has many of the worst features of apartheid. The West Bank has been fragmented into three areas - north (Jenin and Nablus), center (Ramallah) and south (Hebron) - which increasingly resemble the Bantustans in South Africa.

Restrictions on freedom of movement - imposed by a rigid permit system applied by some 520 checkpoints and roadblocks - they look like, but in their hardness go far beyond the "system of pass laws" of apartheid. And the security apparatus reminiscent of apartheid, with more than 10,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails, and the frequent allegations of torture of cruel.

Many aspects of Israel's occupation surpass those of the apartheid regime. The large-scale destruction, by Israel of Palestinian homes, leveling of agricultural lands, military incursions and targeted assassinations of Palestinians far exceed any similar practices in apartheid South Africa. No wall was ever built to separate blacks and whites.

After the international movement against apartheid, it was hoped a similar international effort, concerted and united, against the inhuman treatment of Palestinians by Israel. Instead, here we are an international community divided between the West and the rest of the world. The Security Council is unable to take action due to the veto of the abstention of the United States and the European Union. And the United States and the European Union, acting in collusion with the United Nations and the Russian Federation , actually have imposed economic sanctions on the Palestinian people for having democratically elected a government deemed unacceptable to Israel and the West. The commitment to end the occupation, colonization and apartheid has been forgotten.

In light of this, the U.S. should not be surprised if the rest of the world begins not to believe in their commitment per i diritti umani. Alcuni americani – giustamente – si lamentano che altri paesi siano indifferenti alla regione sudanese, lacerata dalla violenza, del Darfur e a situazioni analoghe nel mondo. Ma se gli Stati Uniti mantengono un doppio metro di giudizio rispetto alla Palestina, non possono aspettarsi cooperazione da altri nella lotta per i diritti umani.        

Ttrans Camilla Rodrigues


After my outburst on Friday that my stomach and my mind yearn for spring I needed confirmation.
So armed with camera bag and I went looking for some tangible sign of the arrival of the new season, aware that live in the extended, flat Po Valley would not have found anything that would make me hope, I moved only 90 km to be confronted with another scenario.
A beautiful sun, sea and beautiful flowers .... the last paradise?!.
The first thing that I did was wear a pair of comfortable shoes, a shoulder bag containing a pair of scissors and a bag that would gather the fruits of my walk.
can not imagine my joy to see a riot of colors, to collect the plates of flowers and above what nature gave me, a truly precious gift: the nettles.
You should know that when I was little I had an aunt that we prepared with love and meticulous (because he never missed a beat) the bunet (typical dessert from Piedmont) once a week during the season and was accompanied by sliced \u200b\u200b nettles.
Those green noodles taste unique and special I can assure you that I still dream of them now, so seeing the nettles on the sides of a ditch, I could not pick them up and enjoy these signs of spring.
taglioni Given the flavor of these is unique and slightly pungent I advise you not combine it with heavy sauces that cover all of their taste for me as I opted for a simple vegetable ragout and mozzarella ham decorated with cherries.
For those who had never picked nettles Board to hold a pair of gloves and pull out only the higher peaks that are more tender.

X 100 GR 200 GR NETTLES Blanch
semolina flour 2 eggs
salt, oil

the sauce 1 onion 1 carrot
1 stalk celery
4 fillets of dried tomatoes 1 tablespoon

Allow to soak for a few minutes nettles you have collected so as to rid it of any dust. Put
then boiled for a few minutes in salted water; simply have become softer so it takes very little time.
Drain and squeeze and let cool.
Once they are cool chop finely with a blender and then put them together the flour, eggs, adding a pinch of salt and a dash of oil.
Knead vigorously so as to create a nice smooth, elastic ball.
Wrap the ball in a towel and let stand in refrigerator at least half an hour.
Meanwhile, prepare the sauce by cutting our chopped finely chop all the vegetables and ham.
In an aluminum pan pour a little oil and then our vegetables.
Continue to cook covered for 10 minutes then add the tomato juice concentrate and ham. Adjust
of salt.
Turn to amalgamate and continue cooking for another 10-15 minutes on medium heat.
The vegetables should soften slightly and season with each other.
take the dough and roll into rectangles with a rolling pin.
pass many times in the machine to get the right consistency and then turn them into noodles.
Put on a pot while boiling salted water and a tablespoon of oil.
When the water boils pour our noodles we put about 5 minutes to cook.
Take them up with a slotted spoon and mix with the sauce, if necessary adding a spoonful of the cooking water.
Serve on plates e predisporre sopra le nostre ciliegine di mozzarella!

Comunicazione di servizio:avrei dovuto essere in viaggio per un tour gastronomico con scelti food blogger invece per motivi famigliari e di salute (aveva ragione mi sa quel medico quando diceva ...”non sei più tanto giovane”) sarò leggermente assente anche dai vostri blog per tutto il resto della settimana, anche se la mia programmazione rimane invariata.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ibm Thinkcentre 8215 Sound Driver

Oranienburg: the collapse of the ancient "denial" international

The collapse of the anti "denial" international

was held in 2008 in Oranienburg, Germany, an international conference directed primarily against the historical revisionism. The acts were published only recently, in un volume di oltre 400 pagine intitolato “ Neue Studien zu nationalsozialistischen Massentötungen durch Giftgas. Historische Bedeutung, technische Entwicklung, revisionistische Leugnung ” (Nuovi studi sulle uccisioni in massa nazionalsocialiste mediante gas tossico. Significato storico, sviluppo tecnico, negazione revisionistica), a cura di Günter Morsch e Betrand Perz con la collaborazione di Astrid Ley, Metropol, Berlino, 2011.
Al revisionismo è dedicata interamente l’ultima parte dell’opera, che si intitola Die Gaskammer-Lüge in der internationalen revisionistischen Propaganda” (La " lie of the gas chambers" in the international revisionist propaganda) and contains eight contributions in about ninety pages.
would be necessary to comment on a specific book. For the moment I only three general considerations.
1) the opera has not participated in any Italian Holocaust researcher, which confirms that our "experts", beginning with those of the Jewish Documentation Center in Milan, are calculated on an International Amateur unworthy of being invited to a conference "serious."
2) There is no mention of the blogger-ol Romanov or Muhlenkamp, \u200b\u200bconfirming, as I wrote, Holocaust history that no one takes them seriously.
3) The refutation of my writing is absolutely devastating: they are mentioned twice, the first p. 275, in a list of revisionists: "... in Italy Mattogno Carlo and Claudio Moffa ... 'the second time on p. 390. Hajo Funke, author of a paper entitled "The 'lie of the gas chambers ' revisionist propaganda in Germany and Austria ", you said:
"Already in 2003 and often denies the Holocaust revisionist magazine " Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung ” [Quaderni trimestrali per la libera ricerca storica] (n. 2, luglio 2003) apparve un articolo di Carlo Mattogno sul campo di concentramento di Sachsenhausen “ KL Sachsenhausen. Stärkemeldung und ‘Vernichtungsaktionen’ 1940 bis 1945 (KL Sachsenhausen. Comunicazioni della forza e “azioni di sterminio” 1940-1945). Nella nota introduttiva viene chiaramente menzionato lo scopo revisionistico; tra l’altro vi si dice che “il caso di Sachenhausen è chiarificatore per i metodi degli Alleati, in questo caso specifico della propaganda nera sovietica nell’immediato dopoguerra”; vi si afferma che “in quel campo sarebbero many prisoners were killed with poison gas, also the Germans, they would have murdered many thousands of Soviet prisoners of war in a plant shooting. " The author explains that this statement is devoid of any historical basis and refers in this respect, inter alia, to the revisionist literature. "
Here some clarification is needed. First, the introductory note is not mine, but the editorial staff of the magazine. Secondly, it simply does not mention a "revisionist view" because it starts like this:
"The concentration camp of Sachsenhausen - Oranienburg also occasionally called - Located not far from Berlin, is playing a little role in the debate on the 'Holocaust. " If Charles Mattogno in the following contribution deals with this field, this has two reasons. First of all documents relating to Sachsenhausen he found together with Jürgen Graf in the State of the Russian Federation in Moscow makes it possible to determine very precisely the field strength, and mortality during the war. The publication of these documents is a positive act of historiography, as they not only contradict historical lies and myths, but possible to ascertain as exactly as possible what really happened. Secondly, the case of Sachsenhausen is extraordinarily enlightening ... " [1] .
Following is the text quoted by H. Funke, then that certainly does not shine for correctness.
The scientific rebuttal of my article should therefore be postponed to the contributions of Günter Morsch [photo] " killing by a toxic gas in the concentration camp of Sachsenhausen " (pp. 260-276), the more as it closes with a rather pretentious paragraph entitled "Strategies revisionist deniers" (pp. 274-276).
Qui però l’autore si mostra molto cauto, limitandosi ad una vaga allusione al mio articolo:
«Negli ultimi anni,   revisionisti di primo piano hanno cercato in modo crescente di confutare l’esistenza di una camera a gas nel campo di concentramento di Sachsenhausen in riviste specifiche come i “ Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung ” e in altre pubblicazioni, soprattutto in internet. In ciò gli autori utilizzano argomentazioni apparentemente scientifiche, avendo esaminato a lungo i documenti degli archivi russi e l’archivio del memoriale [ di Sachsenhausen ], per presentarsi poi in modo particolareggiato e dettagliato con le loro fonti di valore. Spesso non si tratta affatto di tentativi di negazione grossolani, facilmente comprensibili,     ma di strategie di negazione che cercano di apparire come catene argomentative oggettive che possono essere difficilmente confutate persino da storici che non siano esperti in materia. Questi tentativi di negazione perciò, a mio avviso, devono essere presi assolutamente sul serio, tanto più in quanto possono trovare ampia diffusione via internet e sono stati accolti perfino al processo britannico contro Irving».
Indi   passa alla critica di vari argomenti revisionistici, ma senza neppure accennare a quelli che ho esposto nell’articolo summenzionato. Donde la conseguenza che o l’autore non è esperto in materia (ma allora perché ha scritto su questo campo?), oppure le mie «catene argomentative» sono tanto «oggettive» che egli non è riuscito a confutarle e ha preferito glissare.
Quanto ai molteplici studi che ho dedicato, sia da solo, sia in collaborazione con Jürgen Graf, a molti dei temi trattati nella parte “costruttiva” dell’opera – su Auschwitz, su Belzec, su Treblinka, su Stutthof, su Majdanek – questo consesso internazionale di specialisti ha mantenuto il più rigoroso silenzio. Quelli, successivi, su Chelmno e Sobibor, saranno invece senza dubbio taciuti al prossimo convegno.
final observation.
Hajo Funke [Image] suggests that the alleged "shooting system" of Sachenhausen challenged in the introductory note above actually existed. In fact, Günter Morsch, p. 276 talk about it. But with exclusive reference to a "skill" of the Soviets. Those same people who dared to say that at Nuremberg were executed Sachenhausen 840,000 (eight hundred and forty thousand) Russian prisoners of war!
Poor specialists Holocaust: a huge international phalanx unable to refute a handful of revisionists. That's why we call the repressive laws.

                                                                                                              Carlo Mattogno

March 8, 2011

[1] Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung , year 7, No 2 July 2003, p. 173.

Erotic Spanish Movie Blog

Ezra Pound: Fascist or revisionist?

My speech on Sunday '(wrongly) appropriation of the name of Ezra Pound by the band for "CasaPound" [1] has drawn responses from two gentle readers (fascist) del mio blog, risposte che mi spingono ad un’ulteriore precisazione, stante l’indubbio interesse dell’argomento. La domanda è: Ezra Pound era fascista?

Non proprio, a mio avviso, e provo a spiegare perché. Innanzitutto, non si può dire che Pound fosse antidemocratico e ostile alla democrazia in quanto tale. Non rimproverò a Roosevelt di essere fedele alla Costituzione americana, ma di averla violata . Cito a tal proposito un brano tratto dall’interessante libro di Piero Sanavio LA GABBIA DI POUND [2] , relativo al soggiorno coatto al Gallinger Hospital (1945):

“Sosteneva che aveva sempre voluto «salvare la Costituzione » e a ciò i medici: perché salvare la Costituzione ? Da chi? E…l’aveva poi salvata? Ancora (i medici): capiva in che situazione si era ficcato? Si rendeva conto dei pericoli ai quali si era esposto? Sapeva cosa significasse…? A queste nuove domande Pound, invariabilmente esplodeva. Lo aveva scritto nei suoi libri, lo aveva detto da Radio Roma, cosa significasse «salvare la Costituzione »: governo del popolo, rappresentatività nel Congresso , lotta contro l’usura e le speculazioni sull’oro”.

Un programma mi sembra, più da sincero democratico che da “fascista”.

Secondo punto, dimenticato dai più (non solo dai fascisti): la grandiosa polemica di Pound contro l’usura, i banchieri (ebrei e non ebrei) e il bellicismo delle democrazie anglosassoni non riguarda solo la seconda guerra mondiale ma anche la prima . Prende infatti le mosse proprio dalle cause (e dagli esiti) di quest’ultima:

“However, this optimism was brought to a premature end by the First World War which shattered Pound's belief in Western civilisation. His disillusionment is immediately apparent in the satire of Hugh Selwyn Mauberley . Most significantly though, the fall-out from the War prompted Pound to begin work on The Cantos , the epic sequence that was to occupy him for the rest of his life” [3] .

Traduzione: “Tuttavia, questo ottimismo finì prematuramente a causa della prima guerra mondiale, che distrusse la fede di Pound nella civiltà occidentale. La His disillusionment is immediately evident in satire Hugh Selwyn Mauberley . The most significant though is that the negative fallout of the war prompted Pound to start work on Cantos, the epic sequel that occupied him for the rest of his life. "

In light of this, I repeat that those who in the name of Ezra Pound, to be placed to make a monument as the "Victory" in Bolzano mystifies and betrays the legacy of the poet .

I repeat: the fact that at the time Pound admired Mussolini is not reason enough to call it fascist. Provide a further cause for reflection, derived from current events. Take the ongoing insurgency in African countries. Compare in this respect the positions of two prominent journalists in that area generally defined as "disinformation." I refer to Alberto and Maurizio Blondet Mariantoni.

Compare, on the one hand, the articles Blondet "And if it was a revolt against global capitalism?" [4] and "The true atomic bomb " [5] and, secondly, the articles Mariantoni Crisis Libyan attack on Italy or" [6] and "Egypt and Tunisia: All happy and balls" [7] .

The comparison is hampered by the very practical reason that Blondet writes on a pay site. The opening words of the two articles are not enough to understand the diversity of approach. For Blondet, the current revolution is, basically, not only global - and therefore not reducible solely to the Arab people - against capitalism (also global) but also, potentially, anti - Israeli . For Mariantoni, the riots in Egypt and Tunisia are "deceptive" and are deceptive because, obviously, those who rebel not only for bread but also for their rights should not be taken seriously. In the best case is a fool and at worst a provocateur.

Blondet is often described by the antifascist and the Communists as "fascist" or "clerical-fascist". In fact, Blondet a Catholic is certainly a (very) right, but not "fascist" is, in fact, "Pound . An analyst who may, incidentally (as did Pound) praising certain aspects of social fascism, but that is not attributable to it and this for one reason, among those identified, very simple: because they do not share the contempt for the masses typical ( "Governing Italians is not difficult, it is useless," Benito Mussolini) that feeds the contempt rather plethoric scholarly analysis but basically short-sighted of the old neo-pagan fascistone of Mariantoni.

Pound Returning: if we really want to find a definition, rather than fascist I would call their own, as it happens, revisionist. Revisionist in the original sense of the word, that at the time mentioned by Serge Thion in his Brief History of Revisionism [8] : "Those who believed that the Treaty of Versailles was deeply bad and unfair and that would have led to disasters of all kinds ... "Revisionist" would therefore say critical of the political formula that ended the Great War and its horrors. This criticism was contagious. Inevitably it led to mass in discussion of the reasons for the outbreak of war .

Other than a monument to the "Victory"!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Solution To John Hull

Erdogan on International Women's Day



Il Primo Ministro turco Recep Tayyp Redoğan ha detto lunedì che nessuno può legalizzare la violenza contro le donne in name of "honor."

"Violence against women is evil, cruelty and cowardice," said Erdogan, speaking at the convention of women held in Hotel Buyuk Anadolu Ankara.

Erdogan welcomed Day International of Women March 8 of all women in Turkey and the world.

Erdogan said: "I wish sincerely that Day 8 March International Women is a means to end the exploitation and murder of women and an instrument of peace, friendship and fraternity. "

Erdogan said that "our traditions put women at the center of family and social and economic life. The turkish government has no tolerance for torture and violence against women and children. We know that violence against women has been a long bloody wound in society. However, violence against women was always hidden. The AK Party government in power, for the first time the issue was dealt with seriously, and were conducted searches.

Erdogan said that the women's sections of the AK Party has organized a series of meetings outreach in February 2010, and another 3 March 2011. "The urgent thing was communicated to officers. We are considering steps to be taken to prevent violence, "he added.

Erdogan said that "1 June 2005 was made an amendment to the Penal Code was promulgated and turkish life sentence for honor killings. In 2006, a circular was issued to prevent violence against women and children. The equality of the genders has been established on solid foundations with corrections made to the constitution. With the referendum of 12 September had been provided to women in positive discrimination. To make più affidabili e sicure, le abbiamo poste sotto le garanzie costituzionali”.

“Abbiamo costruito case per proteggere le donne che avevano subito violenza in casa. Negli ultimi otto anni, il Partito AK ha difeso i diritti delle donne con sincerità e determinazione. Ci siamo adoperati affinchè le donne abbiano spazio in politica”, ha detto Erdoĝan.

“Vogliamo che le donne siano più impegnate nei problemi economici e sociali del paese”, ha detto Erdoĝan, rimarcando che tutti i problemi della società si risolvono lavorando insieme”.     

[1] Translated by Andrea Carancini. The original text is available at:

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Geert Wilders: The puppet of the Israeli right

Geert Wilders AND ISRAEL

By Peter Edel, December 1, 2010 [1]

There is so much commotion in the Netherlands on anti-Islamic Freedom Party [2] (PVV) Geert Wilders [3] . Members belonging to different PVV have recently been discredited for several reasons: the violence, to sexual behavior reprehensible, scams. The Wilders' crusade against Islam, like many Dutch people, that's for sure. Led him to success. But finding honest members among its ranks is another matter.

The problem era iniziato qualche mese prima delle elezioni dello scorso giugno, quando Wilders conseguì un’importante vittoria. Si scoprì che uno dei suoi candidati era stato arrestato due anni prima dalla polizia olandese per possesso illegale di armi da fuoco. Questo candidato, Gidi Markuszower, era membro di un gruppo addetto alla sicurezza associato alla sezione olandese del partito Likud di Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu.

Di conseguenza, i giornali olandesi hanno riferito che Markuszower era stato indagato dai servizi segreti olandesi (AIVD), sospettato di “aver passato informazioni a fonti straniere”. Non ci volle molto prima che il giornale olandese NRC Handelsblad accertasse il fatto che Markuszower had worked for the Israeli secret service, Mossad. It is not impossible, nor even improbable, that the information passed to Mossad Markuszower concerned the Dutch Jews who openly show their dissatisfaction with the policy of Israel. Especially since Markuszower is known to have spoken in favor of the expulsion of these Jews from the Dutch Jewish community.

A supporter of the Zionist

Markuszower is not the only link between Wilders and Israel, certainly not. Already in the old days when he was a member of the Dutch Liberal Party (VVD), Wilders became known as a passionate advocate della causa sionista. In seguito, da deputato, volse le spalle al VVD. Il problema non era Israele, visto che lo stesso VVD ha assunto una posizione estremamente filo-israeliana. No, era più per il fatto che il feroce approccio di Wilders all’Islam era troppo scabroso da gestire da parte dei liberali olandesi. Il VVD non è conosciuto per avere una visione positiva degli immigrati dai paesi islamici, ma l’odio dichiarato di Wilders era considerato eccessivo. Wilders rifiutò il compromesso necessario a rimanere nel partito e proseguì per suo conto sulla strada dell’odio.

Dopo la nascita del suo partito, il sostegno di Wilders a Israele è diventato così forte che molti olandesi hanno iniziato a interrogarsi sull’ampiezza della relazione tra Wilders e Israele. In Olanda, è risaputo che lui ha visitato Israele più di 40 volte, come è risaputo da molti che Wilders è un frequente ospite dell’ambasciata israeliana all’Aja. Tutto ciò spiega l’ipotesi largamente condivisa che non è stato solo Markuszower ad attirare la vigile attenzione dei servizi olandesi, ma lo stesso Wilders. La connessione con Israele si manifesta anche dal fatto che due dei collaboratori di Wilders ai tempi in cui era parlamentare del VVD, Iddo Moed e Elliot Wagschal, diventarono poi impiegati della stessa ambasciata israeliana.

Wilders è in contatto con i circoli più nazionalisti of Israel. When the fundamentalist Zionist Avigdor Lieberman has visited the Netherlands to meet with government officials, had a private dinner with Wilders. And during one of his recent visits to Israel, met with Wilders Aryeh Eldad, the extreme right Hatikva, essentially a party of settlers. Needless to say that Lieberman is appreciated that Eldad Wilders comments on the impossibility of any Palestinian state in the Middle East over Jordan. So , Wilders is not simply Israel's side, because in fact collaborating with the country's extreme nationalists. Work with that extreme right Likud who enjoys making life impossible for the indigenous population of Palestine.

Wilders has excellent relations with the pro-Israel groups in the United States. He argued, for example, by the neocon Daniel Pipes, Middle East Forum. Pipes helped Wilders in legal costs for the case against him educated in Holland, where different groups had accused him of incitement to hatred. In the United States, Wilders is also in frequent contact with the American-Jewish Pamela Geller, known as one of the most notorious hate propaganda against Islam. Wilders has joined the campaign against the Geller House Cordoba, the mosque planned in Manhattan, to be built not far from 11. The Geller belongs to the current right-wing Zionism, where Wilders is at home. In the U.S., she is active only against Muslims but also against Jews who criticize Israel, which are those "that are soft with Islam." Markuszower just as it did in Holland before being unmasked as an informer of the Mossad.

But there's more. A brief news underestimated in the Netherlands by the mainstream media, but nevertheless significant. Circulating on Dutch Web sites, and that's received attention. It is a statement signed by Mrs. MB Kwint-de Roos, un’ex impiegata del partito VVD, e da suo marito J. A. W. F. Kwint. La dichiarazione riguarda una cena di Natale del VVD avvenuta nel 1991. Alla fine della serata, la coppia si ritrovò ad un tavolo con il giovane Wilders, che era diventato membro del VVD non molto tempo prima. Wilders era ovviamente ubriaco.

Secondo la signora Kwint-de Roos, Wilders le cantò in un orecchio dei canti israeliani nazionalisti. Dopo di che, sentì il bisogno di fare ogni sorta di confessioni – su suo padre, originario dell’Indonesia, ma anche su sua madre, di cui asseriva l’origine ebraica. Su questo punto, Wilders contraddiceva un’altra informazione, sicuramente attendibile, about his family background - information that none of his parents is jew. He obviously lied. It seems that Wilders simply wants to be a jew. The fact that he wants to change his family background to make that impression has the disease. Shows signs of some kind of identity disorder. At the same time, responds well to the definition of pro-Semitic. A phenomenon that often serves as a cover paradoxical anti-Semitism. The overwhelming enthusiasm for Israel by Christian anti-Semites in the United States, is a clear example in this regard. So, do not rule out anything when it comes to Wilders and his love for Israel. His psychology would be strange like his hair.

Kwint According to Ms. de-Roos, Wilders also said that Israel had been recruited by a secret service and that he experienced there, training hard enough. Even said that in such training, he had been tortured. Of course, it is difficult to verify this claim, this may also have been a boast, as his boast of an alleged Jewish origin. What remains is the fact that Wilders has not only been to Israel many times, but also there that he spent several years of his adolescence.

Wilders said Mrs. Kwint-de Roos and her husband, which had both passports, Israeli and Dutch. If this were true, it would be really ironic. Because in later years, Wilders stood against several members of the Dutch government for the fact that they had two passports. How Nebahat Albayrak, a former justice minister, who is of Turkish origin. Wilders raised questions in parliament on the loyalty of Mrs. Albayrak Holland, because she also turkish passport.

A career coordinated policy by other

Wilders went so far as to say that his political career was not coordinated by himself but by others. The divorce his first wife, was established by the same "other" and so was his marriage to his second wife. There are many questions about the partner's marital Wilders. Of his current wife, Krisztina Marfai, initially thought he was born in Hungary and that was of Jewish origin. Paul Wilders, leader of the PVV's brother, has his doubts. He confirms that the Marfai is Hungarian, but denies that it is of Jewish origin. On the contrary, has roots in Turkey, according to Paul Wilders, who has obviously to discredit his brother on the Internet.

Wilders corroborated his confession prophesying that the couple would soon become member of VVD and that he should not do anything to reach that position. He suggested that "other" would help him in every way. When the woman's husband Kwint-de Roos Wilders told that he himself was in contact with a secret service long ago, Wilders became sober at once and he came up with a threat directed at his guests: "if she will make a any mention of this conversation, it will be dangerous for her than for her husband, "she said.

You can not say as there is truth in what Mrs. Kwint-de Roos and her husband said. However, their testimony confirms the strong relationship between Israel and Wilders - if only because it is Wilders who wants to believe it's true. Is not that a rash that Wilders consideri il fare meglio che può gli interessi di Israele in Olanda come la propria missione personale. Produrre odio contro l’Islam sembra far parte di questa missione. Semplicemente perché un’immagine negativa dei musulmani in Europa può solo portare a un maggior sostegno per Israele. Qualunque altra cosa, come la costernazione provocata da Wilders nella società olandese, è di secondaria importanza.

È strano che qualcuno senta il bisogno di misure come quelle volute da Wilders, dato che l’Olanda è già conosciuta come uno dei paesi più filo-israeliani immaginabili, anche senza Wilders. Tuttavia, secondo qualcuno in Israele, a quanto pare non è abbastanza filo-israeliana. One wonders how long before the Dutch will have had enough of Zionist machinations of Wilders in their country. It may take time, because unfortunately a symptom of racism is selective blindness.

Sentinel Pile Treatment


Con lei abbiamo fatto quantità industriali di ravioli, l'abbiamo utilizzata nei risotti e negli gnocchi, mia Mom has turned into a cake and then we tried it again in casserole and fried, but she was the last of those coming from the farmer and deserved a special purpose.
But who I'm talking about? ... But the pumpkin!
literally in the house and luckily we know who we worship at the beginning of the season gives us a bit 'of his field (not counting those on the sly when the Marine's mom going to find it) but obviously at the end of a season bit 'begins to simmer.
I was then looking for the perfect recipe, the new ones that if all goes well next year will become part of everyday life and so, on a cold and rainy day I, pumpkin and my little helper, we found in the kitchen.
The initial idea was to make the pumpkin passatelli but along the way I realized that without the tool of passatelli I would have been a bit 'difficult, while kneading the baby alone and with his hands I solved the problem, "look mom I made a missile."
I liked that form, I liked that he was born, everyone is different and does not tell you how I enjoyed them, we must be careful that they are indeed perfect their beauty lies in being so imperfect, seemingly fragile, but I assure you that if they come from the hands of a child of 5 years to resist cooking.
is why I decided di partecipare con questa ricetta alla raccolta per la fondazione Santa Lucia.
Ovvio che leggendo quel  post quel giorno da mamma ne sono rimasta colpita.
Sapevo di dover partecipare perché spero così di dare il mio piccolo contributo, ma mi sono sempre scervellata con una ricetta fatta da me che magari potesse strappare un sorriso a solo vederla.
E poi invece ho pensato al sorriso che aveva mio figlio a farli, a come ci siamo divertiti e come
era orgoglioso dei suoi missili, e così con la speranza di poter fare sempre insieme a loro tante belle esperienze, con il coraggio di affrontare insieme la vita non potevo non dedicare questa ricetta.


Parmigiano Reggiano
2 amaretti FINELY
100 GR breadcrumbs around, (remember that depends on the pumpkin and it absorbs)

the butter and sage sauce

Cook the pumpkin when cooked and cool.
Mash the pulp with a fork in a bowl and then add the grated Parmesan cheese, macaroons reduced to powder and bread crumbs. On
breadcrumbs gave it a Pumpkin indicative dose because it depends on when it absorbs.
to taste with salt and sprinkle over a bit 'of nutmeg.
Mix ingredients well and then store in refrigerator for at least half an hour.
Now take the mixture and get help from your helpers .... if you did not call any child you know children will be happy to give you a hand and they will teach you to make the missiles, because the skill lies in create them with little hands kneading, pulling, turning to each other, in short, it will be easy for their imagination to create a form so imperfect!.
When you have the missiles to put them in the fridge to cool still for half an hour (they're also good to prepare them and freeze them). Meanwhile
Put salted water in a saucepan.
When the water boils and then throw our missiles are just about to get them out with a skimmer.
Season with butter and sage, also great in soup!