Monday, January 31, 2011

Silverado Ss 2009 Sale

Officer have short legs ... in the U.S.


The original article (the one used as a reference by the journalist IlSole24Ore Elysa Fazzino) is following link:
Its reproduction Integral is prohibited as protected by copyright . To have the availability, you are asked to subscribe. Alternatively, for purely personal reading, you can find by (and courtesy of) Google, clicking on the title on the search engine ...
No comment needed ... but ...
... is stronger than me, can not resist the temptation ...
Only the impression (but it is not just an impression) that, in the WSJ , our top managers will be taken to the c. .., and not so veiled ...
Beginning with the title: "Boss Sweats Details of Chrysler Revival " playing around "The Head exudes details on the rebirth of Chrysler ...
To get to the issue of 23 + Chrysler executives in the other 25 in Turin, with whom he interfaces directly and regularly, not just a brilliant sinomimo willingness to delegate ... Or, if you want to see the matter in terms of old-fashioned pyramid organizational structure: a bit 'flat tip, the two pyramids Marchionne model-Taylor (1856-1915) ...
What is not mentioned in the article is the fact that he graduated in law and philosophy, not in engineering, as it would be led to believe, given its 'bullet' for technical details.

But for a manager to his level, a philosopher or an engineer that is, it is still unusual attitude (not to say abnormal) to systematically care of the details. Delegate, as mentioned above, should be the norm for someone like him, especially on the details e. .. in the presence of capable employees, and line staff.
But it's worth reading the full text article because there is more, not enough article signed Elysa Fazzino, who already is no small thing ... at least compared with other 'whistleblowers doc' (see below).
The temptation to make the full translation remains strong, although discouraged by the fact that they are nearly 4 pages: There are flowers of curious anecdotes that say a lot about our senior managers ...
"Chrysler: WSJ, praise to Marchionne" , Reuters writes: visualizza_new.html_1613457065.html
But it is not the only agency for the Italian to take his readers c ... ...

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Translation part of WSJ entitled " Boss Sweats Details of Chrysler Revival of 31 January 2011, signed by Jeff Bennett and Neal E. Boudette :
Chief exudes details on the rebirth of Chrysler

Auburn Hills, Mich. - As Chrysler Group CEO LLC (Limited Liability Company), Sergio Marchionne non è certo a corto di problemi di cui occuparsi, dalle relazioni con i sindacati alla offuscata reputazione aziendale.
Il mese scorso, un dettaglio ha impegnato la sua attenzione: la maniglia della portiera sul Dodge Charger.
I test indicavano che l’acqua poteva entrare nella serratura e rovinarne l’elettronica. L’AD, determinato ad avviare la produzione del rinnovato Charger entro la fine dell’anno, mise ingegneri a lavorare senza sosta sul problema.
«Ricevo aggiornamenti ogni 2 ore sulla dannata maniglia di portiera», il Sig. Marchionne disse il 7 dicembre, sedendosi al consiglio di amministrazione di un’altra società di cui è direttore. Finally, a messaggino on one of its six mobile phone telling him that the malfunction had been identified: an irregular contact surface between two pieces of plastic. Placed the lock, the new Charger began to leave the assembly line a few days after Christmas.
"I suspect that some problems that we are now dealing with and that I get no little irritation have been swept under the carpet 10 years ago," Mr. Marchionne said. But "if you really want to run the business, you need that you interests / interfering at this level."
The fate of Chrysler, which will provide a report on Monday the 4th quarter of 2010, is in the hands of Italian Mr. birth Marchionne and his attention to detail, an approach that helped him save FIAT SpA brink of collapse a few years ago. It 'also one that can occasionally delay decision because of his unusual dual role, simultaneously at the head of Fiat and Chrysler, dividing his time between Michigan and Italy. Marchionne
The concentration of the core of the details in Chrysler, receiving $ 9 billion in federal aid two years ago, contrasts with the approach of another new "boss" of Detroit, Daniel Akerson of GM, which recognizes not a 'fan car'. Last year, for several weeks, Mr. Marchionne stirred for a slight deviation the curvature of the door of the new Dodge Durango, requiring meticulous modifications until it was exactly as he liked.
The other important executive (in the sense of CEO = AD) in the automotive world in command of two companies, Carlos Ghosn of Renault SA and Nissan Motor Co., spoke occasionally on the details of the car. But Mr. Ghosn has a COO who runs the business from day to day in each company, and the alliance (between the two companies) is controlled by a committee of 15 senior managers. Mr. Marchionne has raised eyebrows in recognition of having an unusual number of executives who report directly to him, 23 in Chrysler and more in Italy.
"How is it that has 23 people reporting to you here and another 25 in Turin?" Asks the president of Chrysler, Robert Kidder. The response of Mr. Marchionne is that so many people directly managing helps Chrysler and Fiat work together closely.
While rivals General Motors Co. and Ford Motor Co. have recovered from the recession of the car industry - Ford has made profits of $ 6.6 billion last year despite a decrease last quarter said Friday - Chrysler has not yet turned the corner. He is no longer burning cash, but has lost money in the first three quarters of 2010.
As car sales in the U.S. were higher in the last quarter of 2010, the company would report its best quarter since Monday in the rescue from bankruptcy in 2009.
Sales of Chrysler vehicles in the U.S. grew by 16.5% last year, but many were in the fleets of rental car companies. Sales to private individuals, a more significant test showed that the company is still struggling to establish itself. Its share of retail sales by 7.3% according to figures provided by car manufacturers and verified by the Wall Street Journal.
Based on these data, Chrysler, once the 3rd largest car manufacturer in the world, now is the 6th in the U.S. market, behind not only GM, Ford and Toyota, but Honda and Nissan. At
suo insediamento in Chrysler, avvenuta a metà del 2009, il Sig. Marchionne si incontrò con Michael J. Jackson, a capo della catena di concessionari AutoNation Inc. Sapendo che doveva mostrarsi seriamente impegnato al cambiamento, il Sig. Marchionne espose in dettaglio le carenze dei veicoli Chrysler.
«Entrò nel merito dei meccanismi di trasmissione di Chrysler e sapeva quanto erano obsoleti, come non fossero sincronizzati con i motori. Sapeva quali auto manifestavano fastidiosi rumori per l’effetto vento, della plastica di scarso valore negli interni» dice il Sig. Jackson. «E’ straordinario. Non ho mai avuto una tale conversazione con un Amministratore Delegato nel mondo dell’auto.»
Il Sig. Marchionne ha invested $ 1.1 billion to build over 14 models already in production. With more refined interior for all. The Chrysler Sebring sedan has been an improvement in the brakes, wheels and suspension, and a new name, 200. The Dodge Charger had the high-tech handles in December that caused the trouble now open with the touch of a hand and a remote pocket of the driver.
that big spending is a gamble, but Mr. Marchionne was concerned that the sales boost they need not have occurred if the company had continued to offer older versions of its vehicles. "The market did not want to," he says.
Last summer, Mr. Marchionne became a of his rare vacation in a long test on the road entering a Jeep Grand Cherokee version 2011 and guiding it for 3500 miles through Quebec, New Brunswick and New England, taking note of what could be improved.
I returned convinced that the basic structure of the SUV was successful, though disappointed by the number of passers-by who were attracted to the day he parked it in front of the Fairmont Hotel in Boston. 'It is a brand new car and you expect a lot more buzz "he says.
Mr. Marchionne was born 58 years ago in Chieti, near the Italian Adriatic coast, and moved with his family to Toronto when she was 14. Was at the head of a Swiss inspection services business in 2004 when he jumped in FIAT, where he became known for working long hours, 7 days a week.
At a meeting of analysts in 2006, appeared wearing a black sweater and jeans blacks, and decided that he liked to dress casual. It now has about 30 pairs of jeans and sweaters in each of his homes in Michigan, Turin and Switzerland, so being able to move in a jet with minimal luggage.
"I order them via internet and replaces them in groups of 10," he says. "I dress the same wherever I live, down to the socks."
In 2008, the then owner of Chrysler, Cerberus Capital Management LP, FIAT contacted for a partnership. The Italian company, having long since given up to see cars in North America, was heavily dependent on Europe and the market for small cars, with low profit margins. Chrysler was selling big cars, minivans and trucks, primarily in North America, which, despite its problems, could help FIAT to be a global society.
The U.S. became an active part in negotiations in early 2009 Chrysler, Fiat, after having given to the Chrysler rescue. Mr. Marchionne was known as a tough businessman, in 2005 had forced GM to pay Fiat $ 2 billion to dissolve a solid partnership between the two companies. In negotiations with Chrysler, was willing to contribute to the partnership with engines and other technology, but not with money.
Since the task force for the Obama car had little other options for Chrysler, Mr. Marchionne was the open road. Chrysler filed for bankruptcy protection (Chapter 11) and emerged in June 2009 with Fiat and its part-owner of Mr. Marchionne's CEO.
At Auburn Hills, the new boss refrained from using the vast 15th-floor executive suite, with vaulted ceilings and giant windows in the shape of the Chrysler logo, preferring a corner office in the wing known as "wing banana del centro direzionale d’ingegneria. E’ lì che si prendono le decisioni che muovono le attività industriali di Chrysler, il Sig. Marchionne dice, e «devi tenere quella macchina bene ‘in campana’».
Ora Chrysler sta sviluppando piccole e medie auto basate su modelli FIAT, mentre FIAT sta preparandosi a montare Jeeps e alcuni altri veicoli Chrysler nei suoi stabilimenti. Il Sig. Marchionne immagina che le due società produrranno più di 6 milioni di veicoli nel 2014, quasi il doppio del numero attuale, attribuendo all’alleanza una scala simile a quella dei giganti globali dell’auto.
Chrysler ha previsto un utile operativo da 1,6 a 2,4 miliardi di $ per this year, but imposed obstacles. The rising prices of gasoline could affect sales of its trucks and big cars. The employment contract with the United Auto Workers union to be renegotiated this year.
The division of the time of Mr. Marchionne (between Turin and Detroit) also presents challenges. Last fall, when Chrysler is trying to speed up the launch of the renewed Dodge Charger and Chrysler 300, the executives say that a reason for delay was the decision on the headlights of the 300, that decision could be taken only after the Mr. Marchionne was back in Michigan a few weeks later. When arrived, he and his production team stood in front of the car for about half an hour before deciding which style to use headlights.
Its program of dual labor means that managers can experience difficult times in coming to decisions that require a fast interface, said someone familiar with the company.
A manager says that some managers who report to Mr. Marchionne know they have the authority to make decisions, but "they are also worried" that the boss does not agree. In August 2009, during an AD, the director responsible for sales planned to offer discounts per ravvivare le vendite. Quando il Sig. Marchionne ritornò, secondo quanto afferma una persona che ha dimestichezza con l’ambiente, egli «fu balistico» e strigliò il direttore delle vendite durante una riunione. Da lì a poco il direttore delle vendite era “andato” (anche nel senso di tagliato fuori, stroncato).
Il Sig. Marchionne sta cercando di cambiare la cultura in Chrysler. Durante un meeting a dicembre, dopo che due (alti) dirigenti proposero l’idea-programma di contattare direttamente i clienti quando un intervento di manutenzione o una miglioria erano disponibili per le loro auto, la maggioranza dei partecipanti al meeting si oppose, in parte a causa del cost.
Mr. Marchionne was heard: "You guys got it all wrong. That's the right thing to do, "he said, according to Doug Betts director of quality. The CEO then said to his lieutenants / vice that they must "break with the model" of business in Detroit.
In recent weeks, Mr. Marchionne has talked with banks to try to secure funding, possibly with the help of Fiat, to return $ 5.6 billion in rescue loans from the U.S. government had. The objective is total return by 2014. By eliminating the questions of Wall Street on the ability of Chrysler rimborsare i prestiti, renderebbe più agevole una Iniziale Offerta Pubblica di azioni che il Sig. Marchionne spera di fare entro la fine di quest’anno.
La IPO fornirebbe un modo per il governo e il sindacato UAW di disfarsi loro stessi delle attuali partecipazioni azionarie. Il governo, che detiene il 9,2% a seguito della procedura di fallimento del 2009 di Chrysler, sarebbe ben lieto di uscirne. Il UAW, con un 63,5% di partecipazione, prevede di usare i proventi della vendita delle azioni per finanziare un fondo pensionistico per l’assistenza sanitaria creato nel 2008.
La FIAT, comunque, ha in programma di incrementare la sua partecipazione, attualmente del 25%.
When Mr. Marchionne is in Michigan, about 2 weeks a month, filling both the Saturday and Sunday of meetings with teams of its leaders, such as sales, marketing and those who run the industrial production. They gather in a conference room with dark wood tables in the shape of U, in front of a big screen. In one corner there is an espresso coffee machine, and the wall is a framed poster that says, "Give a S ... .
The gatherings will last from 8 am to evening, and the pace may require a toll. "My wife knows that it is competing with Chrysler," says the director maintenance, Scott Garberding. The same Mr. Marchionne was divorced last year. It has also developed a low carbohydrate diet and lost 30 pounds .
At Los Angeles Auto Show last November, the CEO gave a vague idea of \u200b\u200bwhat he thinks Fiat and Chrysler can accomplish together. First gesticulated pointing to the Fiat 500, a sub-compact that Chrysler is going to produce in Mexico. Then, opening the hood of the redesigned Jeep Grand Cherokee for a look at his 8-cylinder V-engine, Mr. Marchionne said that the vehicle could be used to derive models that could help both companies. The
lavoro è cominciato su di un lussuoso SUV, usando la sottostruttura/telaio della Grand Cherokee, per un nuovo modello di Maserati, un veicolo che potrebbe essere venduto a 100.000 $. «Questa è una grande architettura» disse il Sig. Marchionne. «Perché non dovrei metterci sopra una Maserati?»...
Ci sarebbe da evidenziarne (in grassetto o diverso colore) i tratti... salienti...
Ma sarebbe scorretto, anche nei confronti degli autori dell'articolo.
Eppoi ciascuno è in grado di individuarli da sé...
Post precedenti sul tema " Marchionne ":
> Marchionne, grande manager...
> Marchionne's global marketing strategy
> Marchionne (FIAT): l'oracolo dell'industria dell'auto, ma...
> Marchionne: i numeri di un top manager
ed altri, sparsi qua e là, sulle vicende FIAT e non solo...



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